What word best describes the 1984-85 academic year? Fr. Monan picks "exuberant". As he notes, "The word seem[s] appropriate to convey an abundance of accomplishments, and, still more, the spirit of enthusiasm that accompanied them."
In the fall, the state-of-the-art $28 million Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Library, featuring a pioneer computerized card catalog, and the largest campus building, is dedicated in a gala celebration.
Planning begins for Junior Year Abroad program in Madrid, Spain, to complement existing program in Cork, Ireland. By 1996 more than 300 students will be enrolled at a dozen foreign colleges and universities.
The Committee for Strategic Planning for Communications and Computing, consisting of 15 staff and faculty members, is formed to guide high technology usage at BC.
Twenty-two student-athletes are chosen for All-America teams. The football Eagles cap a remarkable season by winning the 1985 Cotton Bowl, ending the season ranked 4th in the nation.