Meet Our Lead Wellness Coaches

Health Promotion Hangouts

Health Promotion is offering google hangouts around topics including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and substance issues.

Healthy Happy Hours

Enjoy conversations with a Health Coach about your health-related experiences during COVID-19.

BWell Screening

The BWell Screening is an online tool to reflect on all areas of your personal wellness - including movement and nutrition, time management, relationships, mental health, and community wellbeing - and to learn more about how you care for your mind, body, and soul. All screening responses are anonymous and students are welcome to complete the screening at any time. Those with a scheduled BWell Wellness Coaching appointment will be asked to note and bring their score to their appointment (note: your coach will not have access to your responses or results). 


Students who do not have a scheduled appointment, but are interested in discussing their score with a wellness coach or staff person should email or sign up for wellness coaching at

Take the BWell Screening Today


Take a Quick Self-Assessment of Your Wellness