Stokes N230H
Email: robert.mcqueen.2@bc.edu
Philosophy of the Person I & II
Early Modern Metaphysics
M 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
W 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
My main area of expertise is Early Modern Metaphysics and the History of Philosophy. My current aim is to investigate the nature of causation, expression, conception, and power primarily within the works of Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz. I believe that such research can bear important contributions to contemporary debates concerning Monism, Grounding, and Essence. More specifically, I want to ask what it means when we say such things as: (1) "something is what it is in virtue of X", (2) "X is more real than Y", (3) "X and Y are in reality" (4) "X exists". In my free time, I enjoy fiddling around with the piano, running around the Charles, and playing chess. If you'd like to play some chess, send me your counter to D4.
Founder, Hannah Arendt Index (http://arendtindex.com) and Walt Whitman Index
Contributor, Mapping Spinoza’s Ethics (ethica.bc.edu)
May 2022, “The Hannah Arendt Index: Full Text Search on LOC Archive”, 2022 STS
Conference: Cultural Mappings Loyola University Chicago, Society for Textual Scholarship
April 2022, “Eriugena’s Theophany and Unconditionality”, Villanova Graduate Student
Philosophy Conference 2022: God and the Unconditional, Villanova University
March 2022, “Pico Della Mirandola and the Human Person: Uniqueness and Solidarity”, Boston
College Graduate Philosophy Student Conference: God and the Human Person, Boston College
February 2022 "Christian Mysticism: Isn’t it Nonsense?" Northeast Philosophy of Religion
Colloquium, Fordham University