Email: carrolih@bc.edu
History and Critique of Metaphysics
Contemporary Metaphysics
19th-20th Century Continental Philosophy
Medieval Philosophy
Philosophy of Language and Dialogue
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Religion
Academically, I am fascinated by the great systems of the classical metaphysical tradition and with the living question concerning this tradition's curtailment and overthrow. My research is oriented around a cluster of questions and figures relating to the once-oft-announced "end of metaphysics." Mainly, I am preoccupied with isolating and describing in detail the fatal problems said to block any attempt at metaphysics' rejuvenation or reconstruction. Outside of my academic studies, I am a novice chef and once-professional mixologist who loves throwing elaborate, conversation-heavy dinner parties. I am an avid practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and have been "on the mat" in one form or another (BJJ, Wrestling, Judo) most of my life. Some of my academia-adjacent hobbies include my special affinity for ancient military history (in particular the great Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca), and my near-compulsory propensity toward organizing and facilitating extracurricular reading groups with friends and colleagues. My greatest pleasure can be found in sustained and genuine personal and theoretical dialogue, an activity I understand to be as valuable as it is both difficult and rare. My academic work is a reflection of my sincere belief in the salutary effects of a carefully-pursued conversation, and of my native enjoyment in the complexities of dialectic and their creative resolution.
2024 “Being Without One: Deleuze and the Medievals on Transcendental Unum”, Parrhesia, 39, pp. 118-154.
2024 “Castrated Ontologizing: A Lacanian Critique of Metaphysical Desire”, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, [Forthcoming].
2022 “Deleuze Among the Scotists: Difference-In-Itself and Ultima Differentia”, Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 16:3, pp. 331-378.
“Review of Capobianco’s Heidegger’s Being: The Shimmering Unfolding”, Gatherings, 13, pp. 267-272.
My recent presentations include:
“The Origin of Negation”, Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences & Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists. Pittsburgh, PA 2024
“Ferdinand Ulrich on the Medieval Metaphysics of Multiplicity”, Metaphysical Society of America. New York City, NY 2024
“Lacan and Platonic Pedagogy”, Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (American Psychological Association, Division 24). Boston, MA 2023
“Reincipiens: On Negative Ontology”, Metaphysical Society of America. Atlanta, GA 2023
“Being Without One: Deleuze and the Medievals on the Transcendental Convertibility of Being and Unity”, Metaphysical Society of America. Milwaukee, WI 2022
“Writing and Hubris”, Duquesne University GSIP Conference. Pittsburgh, PA 2022