First-year student Alyssa Lego wants to change the world for people with disabilities, including students at the Campus School—and she’s already begun.
Meet 12 Eagles taking on this year’s Boston Marathon
In this episode, Stanton Wortham is joined by Usha Tummala-Narra, Program Director of the Ph.D. Program in Counseling Psychology. Together, they draw on anthropological research to illustrate why a belief in witchcraft is rational.
BC Lynch Professor Kate McNeill secures 5-year grant to launch OpenSciEd Equitable Instruction Initiative at the Lynch School
Researchers will launch a new science and technology center to promote a deeper understanding of ocean ecosystems.
As we prepare for the return of students in the classroom this fall and reflect on the last year of education, there is a level of uncertainty around how the students will adapt to the return of “normal” schooling. How did the last year of virtual learning impact the students?
Interdisciplinary research team receives $3M grant from National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities to explore well-being in South Boston public housing redevelopment.
AERA Fellow status recognizes significant scientific or scholarly contributions.
Charles Grandson '05, M.Ed. '06, Ed.D. '14, chief equity and strategy officer at the Boston Public Schools, discusses the pandemic and listening to the community.
View videos of the Lynch School’s undergraduate and graduate ceremonies and the doctoral robing event.
A new partnership between the Lynch School and the Brazilian Jesuit Educational Network brings new approach to intercultural teaching.
Conway’s research raises questions about who is entitled to be educated at tax-payer expense, what kind of education they should receive, and how we view crime.
Professor Dennis Shirley teaches tomorrow’s education leaders to embrace change and learn from the world at large
Associate Professor Vincent Cho explores the impacts of behavior management apps in the classroom to showcase the power of compassion
New commemorative volume traces the school's 50-year history.
The results of a nationwide urban Catholic education survey will provide an overview of the field and a comprehensive and collaborative vision for the next 20 years.
Dance and physical education teacher Joseph DeLeo credits the Lynch School with helping him choreograph his next steps
Associate Professor Rebecca Lowenhaupt shares her expertise of immigrant communities with the Lynch School
At a time when too many have succumbed to anger and demonization, the Lynch School community continues to work for justice with purpose and hope.
He brings to the role nearly 50 years of experience in special education instruction, program direction, and service advocacy.
Three senior faculty members edited a special issue of *ECNU Review of Education* to assess the emergence and exploration of well-being.
The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center released the latest cycle of the world’s longest-running global assessment of student achievement in mathematics and science.
The online publication K-12 Dive named Newton North High School Principal Henry Turner, Ed.D. ’14, its 2020 principal of the year.
Former NHL player Ben Smith steps off-ice to the next stage in his career
The arrangement will allow both schools to serve their special needs students more effectively.
Faculty honors and accolades, fall 2021
Faculty scholarship and awards, spring 2021
Faculty research and awards, winter 2021
Alumni and students receive fellowships, awards, and grants.