Teaching, Curriculum, and Society (TCS)

Teaching, Curriculum, and Society (TCS)

The Teaching, Curriculum, and Society (TCS) department is a vibrant community that is changing lives and elevating the human condition. Students focus on educational experiences where they thrive, grow, and contribute to schools and society now and in the future. With exposure to excellent teaching, innovative research, and service initiatives, all TCS students engage in a collaborative culture that is committed to equity and justice.

Teacher Education Program Themes

All of our teacher education programs are grounded in four unifying themes that represent our shared values. Each theme describes our conceptualization of a key aspect of teaching, learning, and schooling. Although no single course or fieldwork experience takes up all of the themes fully, taken together, the elements of our programs are designed to provide multiple opportunities for teacher candidates to explore these themes in theory and practice.


Find the Teacher Education master program that is the best fit for you


We’ll point you in the right direction, based on your education and career interests.


All TCS Programs


18 Programs match your criteria

Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate

Learn how to better serve students with ASD by understanding the nature of autism and the educational techniques that best meet these students’ unique needs.


  • All students complete a field experience as part of the certificate.
  • Develop expertise in a range of evidence-based strategies for educating students with ASD.
  • Engage with critiques of ASD research and service provision levied by members of the autism community. 



Curriculum & Instruction, M.Ed.

Enhance your knowledge of curriculum, policy, and pedagogy thorough an exploration of educational philosophy and the political, social, and philosophical underpinnings of teaching and learning.


  • Students develop a personalized program of study with their advisor to fit their professional goals. 
  • Examine approaches to multicultural education, anti-racist education, and inclusion that aim to transform the curriculum.


  • School Leader (Principal, Assistant Principal, etc.)
  • Teacher Leader (Dean of Faculty, Academic Coordinator, etc.)
  • ELL Coordinator
  • Teacher
  • Program Coordinator

Curriculum & Instruction, Ph.D.

Designed to develop professionals who have the knowledge, intellectual disposition, professional skills, ethical sensibilities, and leadership potential to make a difference in the lives of all schoolchildren.


  • Actively addresses social inequities and contributes to creating a more just society.
  • Multiple opportunities to engage in hands-on curriculum and praxis-focused research.
  • Choice of specialization: 
    • Educational Leadership, Policy & Educational Change
    • Language, Literacy, & Culture
    • Methods and Modes of Inquiry in Curriculum & Instruction 
    • Science, Mathematics, and Technology
    • Teaching, Curriculum, and the Politics of Schooling 


  • Researcher
  • School Principal
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Professor
  • Director of Curriculum
  • Superintendent

Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars, M.Ed.

As part of an intensive one-year (18-month) M.Ed. program that leads to licensure, Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars learn how to flourish as K–12 teachers in urban schools through a curriculum that prioritizes critical inquiry, social justice education, and community building.


  • Donovan Scholars select the desired program from the list below which correlates with a state license. You may choose any state to become licensed in and will complete the appropriate assessment(s). 
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Elementary Education
    • Secondary Education
    • Moderate Special Needs
  • Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars provides interactive urban education seminars, critical inquiry research, social justice education, and community building that is responsive to the academic and socio-cultural needs of urban youth and their families. 


  • Cohort-based
  • Substantial Financial Aid
  • Tailored Seminars and Experiential Learning

Early Childhood Education, M.Ed.

Nurture a diverse range of pre-K–2 students with authentic and meaningful teaching in this licensure program. 


  • Curriculum includes courses such as Science Play and Learning, and Arts and Music.
  • Benefit from the close relationship with Boston College Children's Center and Saint Columbkille Partnership School.
  • Graduates become eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.


  • Pre-K Teacher
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • First Grade Teacher
  • Second Grade Teacher
  • Assistant Principal of Academics

Early Childhood Policy and Leadership Certificate

Develop a deep understanding of the science of early childhood development and the policies and systems that intersect with young children and their families.


  • Complete a three-course certificate in Early Childhood Policy and Leadership, including courses in the science of early childhood development; program and policy development and evaluation; and leadership, advocacy, and partnerships.
  • Participate in monthly seminars, targeting key issues related to early childhood research, practice, policy, advocacy, and leadership over the course of three semesters. 
  • Complete a three-month, paid summer internship in a local, national, or international setting to solidify skills in policy development and analysis, leadership, advocacy, or research translation in the early childhood field.
  • Translate learning from the internship and certificate courses by completing a capstone project, such as a policy brief, academic paper, or policy analysis.


Elementary Education, B.A.

Prepare to teach diverse learners in grades 1-6 (with and without mild disabilities) in a variety of school settings including public, private, parochial, and independent.


  • Features coursework in child development, learning theories, instructional strategies and models, curriculum and school organizational practices, educational technology, and assessment procedures and instruments.
  • Graduates become eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.



  • Classroom Teacher (Grades 1-6)
  • Integrated Pre-School Teacher
  • Kindergarten Intern
  • Teachers in Informal Educational Environments
  • Teacher Assistants

Elementary Education, M.Ed.

Prepare to teach the elementary grades in an ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and collaborative way.


  • Students develop skills to work with diverse range of children, while utilizing knowledge of instructional practices and perspectives on children, schools, and society.
  • Graduates are eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.



  • Classroom Teacher (Grades 1-6)
  • Assistant Principal
  • Research Assistant
  • Educational Advocate
  • Educator at Non-Profit Organizations

Global Perspectives in Curriculum and Instruction Certificate

This certificate prepares students how to become effective teachers in an increasingly globalized world and what constitutes a valued and engaging curriculum for the community. You'll learn how to adopt a global lens to identify and address barriers to equity, inclusion, and global citizenship in educational settings.  




Global Perspectives: Teaching, Curriculum, and Learning Environments, M.Ed.

Learn to apply global perspectives to benefit students in a variety of educational settings, including international schools.


  • Students explore educational viewpoints across a wide range of cultures and countries.
  • Conduct action research to address problems encountered in your educational setting.
  • Opportunities to hear worldwide guest speakers provide insights on global education trends.




  • Teachers
  • Principals
  • Program Directors
  • Action Researchers
  • School Administrators

Inclusive Instructional Design Certificate

This certificate will study the rapidly changing landscape in various learning environments and apply learner variability to offer options for engagement and learner choice. Students will be able to transform one size fits all classrooms into vibrant learning communities where all learners can belong and succeed.




Jesuit Education in a Global World, M.Ed.

Utilize an Ignatian and international lens to best meet the needs of global and diverse students.


  • Apply Jesuit teaching and curricular practices that improve life opportunities for students in diverse global contexts.  
  • Engage in action research to solve a problem of practice. 
  • This program is affiliated with Boston College's Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies.


Law, J.D. & Education, M.A. or M.Ed.

Use legal and educational expertise to become an advocate for social justice and promote quality education for all.



  • Access to field experiences that incorporates educational advocacy.
  • Option to pursue one of three education master's programs: Higher Education, Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction.


  • Education Law and Civil Litigation
  • State and Federal Court Clerks
  • Researchers
  • Policy Analyst
  • Board of Directors (ie. local school districts, community colleges etc.)

Secondary Education, B.A.

Prepare to teach grades 8-12 (with and without mild disabilities) in a variety of school settings.


  • Students acquire a second major, preparing them to teach in that subject area.
  • Students learn to think critically about education as a result of the Lynch School's innovative theoretical approaches to teaching and firsthand experience working with high school students.
  • Graduates become eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.



  • Humanities and Social Science Teacher (English & History)
  • ELA Teacher
  • Science Teacher (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, or Earth/Environmental Science)
  • Language Teacher (Spanish, Latin, or French)

Secondary Education, M.Ed.

Prepare to teach grades 8-12 in one of the following disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, English, History, Mathematics, or Physics.


  • Content area electives allow students to create a personalized program in their content area.
  • Students learn how to teach for social justice and reflect on their practice as a means to enrich their teaching and lesson planning skills.
  • Graduates are eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.


  • High School Teacher
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Lead Teacher
  • Assistant Principal

Special Education Licensure Programs

As schools become more inclusive, the Lynch School offers a variety of single and dual degree/dual licensure master's programs in mild/moderate and extensive support needs.


  • Students are prepared to work in a variety of settings, including a fully inclusive classroom.
  • Benefits of the dual degree/dual licensure programs: practicum experience meeting both licensure requirements, accelerated program of study.




Program Options

  • Moderate Support Needs
  • Extensive Support Needs
  • Moderate and Extensive Support Needs
  • Elementary Education and Moderate Support Needs
  • Elementary Education and Extensive Support Needs
  • Secondary Education and Extensive Support Needs

Please note: The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education for Extensive Support Needs and all dual licensure programs with Extensive Support Needs (Moderate and Extensive Support Needs, Extensive and Elementary, Extensive and Secondary) will not be accepting applications in the 2025 application cycle. 

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate

The TESOL certificate program will also prepare students to teach English in diverse instructional settings where English is a second, foreign, or international language.


  • Prepares students to apply the principles of TESOL using instructional technology
  • Online Certificate program meets the current needs for TESOL across the globe

Urban Catholic Teacher Corps, M.Ed.

Urban Catholic Teacher Corps (UCTC) actively engages in the ministry of teaching in the schools of the Archdiocese of Boston. UCTC provides an academically rigorous and experientially rich urban Catholic teacher preparation based on the 500-year-old Jesuit tradition of formative education. 


  • Urban Catholic Teaching Corps (UCTC) trains students who want to intentionally and actively participate in formation as Catholic school teachers in urban settings. UCTC offers participants the opportunity for weekly faith sharing, three retreats a year, spiritual direction, pilgrimages, and full engagement in community living.
  • UCTC members complete a master’s degree in Curriculum & Instruction and commit to a two-year teaching practicum in Boston’s Catholic schools serving urban students. 
  • Students who have completed a year in the Urban Catholic Teacher Corps are able to apply for dual degree programs throughout their educational journey
    • M.A. in Theology & Ministry
    • M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & Policy


  • Cohort-based
  • Substantial Financial Aid
  • Tailored Seminars and Experiential Learning

The Boston College teacher preparation programs are characterized by a strong commitment to excellence and equity, including:


Our faculty are active researchers, recognized for their influential work in urban education, special education, STEM, and dual-language learning. 


Photo of A. Lin Goodwin

A. Lin Goodwin

Program Director, Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D.

Photo of Brian Smith

Brian K. Smith

Honorable David S. Nelson Chair; Associate Dean for Research

Campion 109
Photo of Lillie Albert

Lillie R. Albert

Program Director, Secondary Education

Campion 217
Photo of G. Michael Barnett
Campion 123
Photo of Deoksoon Kim

Deoksoon Kim


Campion 117
Photo of Katherine McNeill

Katherine McNeill

Program Director, Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.

Campion 122
Photo of C. Patrick Proctor

C. Patrick Proctor

Department Chair, Teaching, Curriculum, and Society

Campion 121
Photo of Richard Jackson

Richard Jackson

Associate Professor

Campion 209
Photo of Mariela Páez

Mariela Paez

Program Director, Early Childhood Education, M.Ed.

Campion 126
Photo of David Scanlon

David Scanlon

Program Director, Moderate Support Needs

Campion 218
Photo of Faythe Beauchemin

Faythe Beauchemin

Assistant Professor

Photo of Ankhi G. Thakurta

Ankhi Thakurta

Assistant Professor

Campion 115
Photo of Anne Homza

Anne Homza

Program Director, Elementary Education

Campion 120

Faculty Accepting Doctoral Students

Photo of A. Lin Goodwin

A. Lin Goodwin

Program Director, Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D.

Photo of Brian Smith

Brian K. Smith

Honorable David S. Nelson Chair; Associate Dean for Research

Campion 109
Photo of Lillie Albert

Lillie R. Albert

Program Director, Secondary Education

Campion 217
Photo of G. Michael Barnett
Campion 123
Photo of Deoksoon Kim

Deoksoon Kim


Campion 117
Photo of Katherine McNeill

Katherine McNeill

Program Director, Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.

Campion 122
Photo of C. Patrick Proctor

C. Patrick Proctor

Department Chair, Teaching, Curriculum, and Society

Campion 121
Photo of Richard Jackson

Richard Jackson

Associate Professor

Campion 209
Photo of David Scanlon

David Scanlon

Program Director, Moderate Support Needs

Campion 218
Photo of Faythe Beauchemin

Faythe Beauchemin

Assistant Professor

Photo of Ankhi G. Thakurta

Ankhi Thakurta

Assistant Professor

Campion 115

TCS on the Road

Our faculty and community take research to the next level by actively engaging in committees, contributing to groundbreaking research and innovation, and delivering impactful presentations at conferences around the world. Here are some examples of our faculty and graduate students in action this year.


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Total results: 15

A Study of Urban School Leadership

Following three early-career urban school leaders from charter schools, district public schools and Catholic schools this study examined the practices of these leaders as they mobilized faculty, engaged students and families, and enriched their own professional efficacy through the Academy. In consequence, this long-term study illuminates how these urban school educators sought to promote educational equity in their schools, drawing on their work with the Lynch Leadership Academy to help them do so.

Project Details

Educating Others: A Vocation Promoting Meaning & Purpose

This project aims to better understand Urban Catholic Teacher Corps members' perceptions of leading a life with meaning and purpose. To our knowledge, this research program is the first intended to provide documentation and measurement of purpose and meaning in the lives of educators, in particular in urban Catholic schools.

Project Details

OpenSciEd Equitable Instruction (OEI) Initiative

Historically, minoritized students, such as students of color, students who speak first languages other than English, and students from low-income communities, have had limited opportunities for high-quality and meaningful classroom science. The goal of the OpenSciEd Equitable Science Instruction (OEI) Initiative at Boston College is to help disrupt these inequalities by supporting schools and teachers in instruction that begins with the interests and curiosities of students and empowers student voices to support more equitable learning opportunities for all students.

Project Details

Understanding Interactions between Autistic Children and Their Caregivers

We are interested in describing the specific ways that caregivers ‘design’ their talk so that their autistic children are included as participants in the interaction, without having to rely on spoken language. We are also interested in the kinds of things autistic children who have very little spoken language do to participate in interactions with their caregivers. We are analyzing a set of videos of caregivers and young autistic children playing together with toys, that was collected for previous research. Using conversation analysis, we will look for specific things in these videos, like how caregivers pose questions to their children, and what they do if their children don’t respond to their questions or requests for the child to do something.

Project Details

The Impact of COVID-19 on Teacher Practice: Before, During and Now

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted all schools in the United States and the world, but in particular, urban schools. The nature of this crisis has continued to bring challenges to urban Catholic schools. Using a mixed-methods approach, quantitative (survey) and qualitative (open-ended, narratives) data, are being used to identify and understand how 31 educators made and continue to make sense of the impact of COVID-19 on their instructional practice, self-efficacy, student learning and mental health, school mission, and their perceptions of educational inequity in the urban contexts where they teach. A key aim of this research is to provide some examples of the current considerations and practices that have emerged from urban Catholic schools in response to the pandemic.

Project Details

Communities for Healthy Living (CHL)

Communities for Healthy Living (CHL) is an obesity prevention program for Head Start preschools that integrates a parenting program co-led by Head Start staff and parents, enhanced nutrition support, and a media campaign. CHL content and implementation are informed by the Family Ecological Model, Psychological Empowerment Theory, and Organizational Empowerment Theory. The intervention is directed by community-based participatory research and implementation science principles and implemented in a real world context. Key outcomes include childrenâ s Body Mass Index z-score, child health behaviors, parenting practices and parent empowerment. A three-year pragmatic cluster randomized trial with a stepped wedge design and routine health data collected by Head Start coupled with parent surveys completed by subsamples of families will be used to evaluate the program.

Project Details

Classroom behavior management apps: A comparative case study of school discipline practices

Millions of classrooms throughout the U.S. and internationally have begun adopting computerized apps (e.g., ClassDojo) to provide students with rewards and punishments as a part of classroom management. Despite their rapid adoption, little is known about how these apps may be affecting students and school discipline. This project explores schools' practices, including benefits, drawbacks, and equity concerns associated with uses of these apps.

Project Details

Chelsea's Child Wellbeing Initiative: A District-Community-University Partnership

A tight knit, vibrant community serving primarily recent immigrants and their children, Chelsea has long relied on its institutions, social service agencies and non-profit organizations. Finding new ways to collaborate in the face of the crisis, the school district has led an effort to establish a Children's Cabinet made up of leaders from across the community to identify needs and coordinate support for child wellbeing. As the research partner for the Children's Cabinet, the Boston College team has worked with members of the Children's Cabinet, alongside district and research partners in an evidence-based, collaborative process to define and document child wellbeing in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project Details

ChangeMakers Project

The ChangeMakers Project is a 3 year, $2-million continuation grant from the National Science Foundation that engages Massachusetts urban public school students in the science and enterprise of hydroponic gardening and the development of youth purpose.

Project Details

Supporting Teacher Customizations of Curriculum Materials for Equitable Student Sensemaking in Secondary Science

This project includes research examining teachers’ customization processes and the development of tools to support teachers in adapting curriculum materials for their specific school context to facilitate equitable science sensemaking for all students.

Project Details


We are an approved teacher preparation program by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 


students in classroom

Donovan Scholar Program

An intensive one-year program where students earn an M.Ed. and learn to flourish as K–12 teachers in urban schools. 

More on the Donovan Scholars





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