The Boston College Connell School of Nursing and NANDA-I Partnership
The Marjory Gordon Program for Clinical Reasoning and Knowledge Development is a global initiative between NANDA International and the Boston College, Connell School of Nursing. The aim of the program, which began in 2017, is to advance, educate, and disseminate nursing knowledge internationally and foster a deeper understanding for the articulation of nursing’s contribution to patient, family, and community care outcomes through clinical reasoning and the testing and refinement of nursing language (nursing diagnosis). Through on-line educational programs and bi-annual conferences, nurses have the opportunity to participate in the advancement of nursing knowledge and engage in dialogue around clinical reasoning and the communication of nursing judgments about patients using nursing diagnosis. Each year The Gordon International Post-Doctoral Scholars Program welcomes an international scholar to Boston College to participate in academic inquiry with local and international mentors and experts. It is hoped that these experiences will foster international dialogue among nurses and other professionals and uncover nursing knowledge that will influence education, change professional practice, impact health policy, and help shape the future of nursing research. Learn more about NANDA International at nanda.org.
NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2021-2023
The quintessential guide to nursing diagnoses from NANDA-I experts in new updated edition: