Faculty Directory

Jane M. Flanagan

Department Chairperson and Associate Professor


Jane Flanagan, Ph.D., RN, AHN-BC, ANP-BC, FAAN, is a department chairperson and an associate professor at the Connell School of Nursing and a nurse scientist at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Yvonne Munn Center for Nursing Research. She holds appointments as a member of the Board of Directors at the Sherrill House in Boston; volunteer faculty in the School of Nursing at the Health Science Center at the University of Tennessee Memphis; an associate clinical scientist at the Phyllis Cantor Center at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute; and as a nurse practitioner at Fox Hill Village Assisted Living Facility in Westwood.

Dr. Flanagan is editor of the International Journal of Nursing Knowledge and serves on the editorial board for the International Journal for Human Caring. She is an appointed fellow in NANDA-I, the National Academy of Practice, and the American Academy of Nursing. Dr. Flanagan’s work is focused on lifestyle interventions to improve the health of those caring for people with chronic health conditions.

Selected Grants

  • NIH NIA T32 Training Grant (PIs: Vranceanu & Mitchell). Interdisciplinary research fellowship in prevention, optimization and living well with persistent or serious illness. Role: Institutional Advisory Board
  • NIH K23 (PI:  Wentzell, Katherine). Investigating the Impact of Financial Toxicity in Young Adults with T1D.  Role: Qualitative Methods Mentor
  • Massachusetts General Hospital Nursing Alumni Grant (PI: Loren Winters). Bridging the Gap: Integrating a Healthy Lifestyle Program to Palliative Care for Patients with Advanced Stage Breast Cancer. Role: Mentor
  • Mentor, Yvonne Munn Research Grant Massachusetts General Hospital Healing from Liver Transplant: The Patient’s Story
  • Co-investigator, Munn Center for Nursing Research Department Funds Massachusetts General Hospital Exploratory study of inpatient nursing admission documentation to identify problems common to COVID-19 patients
  • Co-Principal Investigator, Donahue Foundation Post-acute outcomes in nursing home residents with dementia
  • Principal Investigator, Institute for Aging, Boston College A Pilot Study of a Health-coached (HC) walking program in Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia