The inaugural Doctor of Nursing Practice cohort aims to invent pandemic-era nursing.
Professor Karen Lyons’s research on how partners in a caregiving relationship can benefit from their shared experience
A Full List of Q&A Responses via CSON's Virtual Accepted Students Page
CSON Associate Professor Jane Ashley shares her story of learning to work with COVID patients
Assistant Professor Britt Pados is on a mission to help pediatricians, hospitals, and specialists improve the way they identify and care for infants and toddlers who struggle with feeding.
Collaborating to educate the country’s first nurse practitioners
An interview with CSON’s Andrew Dwyer about the impact of rare disease on the lives of patients and families.
A helpful summary to better understand nCov-2019
Connell School students mentor and befriend young adults at the Mattapan Teen Center.
Associate Professor Ellen Mahoney studies participant-directed services for people living with chronic illness and disability.
Assistant Professor Holly Fontenot explores how handheld devices can promote young people’s healthy behaviors
CSON’s biannual magazine features stories on faculty research, student projects, and alumni accomplishments.
CSON in the age of COVID-19; campus news; and honors and grants awarded to faculty, students, and alumni
Five researchers who join the Connell School faculty this fall share an interest in the social determinants of health
A confluence for greater understanding about race and racism and a catalyst to bridge differences, promote reconciliation, and encourage fresh perspectives
Assistant Professor Nadia Abuelezam studies infectious diseases—and explains them to millions of anxious Americans.
A letter from Boston College President William P. Leahy, S.J.
A new living and learning community supports first-year students from diverse backgrounds, helping them to thrive.
Dorothy Jones and a nurse’s life
CSON partners with Chile’s Pontifical Catholic University
BC faculty experts discuss the pandemic, responses
Highlighting a few of our many community members who are caring for patients and families afflicted with coronavirus disease
Assistant Professor Nadia Abuelezam studies infectious diseases; now she’s explaining them to millions of anxious Americans.
Assistant Professor Nadia Abuelezam discusses coronavirus on MSNBC.