Stokes N230G
Email: gallegmb@bc.edu
Philosophy of the Person I and II
Philosophy of Imagination
M/W 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Maria Gallego-Ortiz is a Ph.D. student in Philosophy at Boston College. She holds an MA in Philosophy from Boston College, an MLitt in Philosophy from the University of St Andrews, and a BA in Philosophy from Universidad de La Sabana. Her research is centered on exploring the role of imagination in ethical and moral reasoning, with a focus on the works of thinkers like Iris Murdoch, Paul Ricoeur, and Gaston Bachelard. Maria is also interested in the educational advantages offered by service-learning courses, such as Boston College's Pulse program. She has been a lecturer at Universidad de La Sabana, where she designed and instructed undergraduate courses in areas like ethics, ancient philosophy, and women in philosophy. Beyond academia, Maria finds joy in spending her free time hiking with family and friends, engaging in the art of coffee tasting, and immersing herself in the captivating world of fiction.
Convener, Boston Phenomenology Circle (2023-Present)
MA Council Member (2021-2023)
MA Representative to the GSA (2021-2023)
“Iris Murdoch: Life and Work”
PhilosopHERS Workshop Series
Philosophy Department, Boston College (November 2023)
“Imagination in Moral Action: A Murdochian-Ricœurian Account”
Presented at the 17th Annual Society for Ricœur Studies Conference
Institute for Christian Studies (October 2023)
“PULSE: A Service-Learning Course to Promote Character Development in College Students”
With Jeronimo Ayesta (Boston College Ph.D. Student)
Presented at the European Character and Virtue Association Conference
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (June 2023)
“The Hospitality of the Pregnant Woman as a Possibility for Radical Hospitality”
Presented at the Fides Quaerens Conference: Hospitality and the Impossible
Villanova University (April 2023)
“Against Radical Hospitality: A Feminist Reading”
Presented at the Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy
Texas State University (June 2022)
“Making Sense of Akrasia in Plato’s Protagoras”
Presented at the Southeastern Graduate Philosophy Conference
University of Florida (April 2022)
“Iris Murdoch, Imagination and the Good Life”
Presented at the New Voices Conference History of Women Philosophers and Scientists
Paderborn University, Germany (February 2022)
Iris Murdoch Society
Society for Ricœur Studies
American Philosophical Association