Stokes N230B
Email: haefners@bc.edu
Philosophy of the Person I & II
Husserl's Ethics and Value Theory
Phenomenology of Religion
Medieval Epistemology
Thomas Aquinas
Bernard Lonergan
Sean Haefner is a fourth-year doctoral student and teaching fellow at Boston College. His research interests focus upon phenomenological ethics, phenomenology of religion, and medieval epistemology. He works on the thought of Edmund Husserl, and his dissertation will explore Husserl's phenomenological treatment of the ethical "ought" in relation to his account of values and action. Sean's other recent and ongoing projects include studies of medieval epistemology, especially Thomas Aquinas's theory of contemplation; Bernard Lonergan's theories of knowing and ethics; and phenomenological approaches to knowing and experiencing God. He earned his B.A. in philosophy at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts, where I wrote on the thought of Josef Pieper and Thomas Aquinas's metaphysics. As an M.A. Lonergan Fellow, Sean received his M.A. in Philosophy and Theology at Boston College.
“To Pierce the Dome: Josef Pieper on Transcendence in Post-War Germany.” Journal of the History of Ideas Blog (December 2021).
“The Right Way to be Selfish: On Self-Interest and Responsibility for the Other.” 2019. The Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship Collected Volume 2019. The Catholic University of America.