Stokes N220A
Ancient Philosophy
Continental Philosophy
Classical Reception Studies
I am a first year doctoral student with research interests in ancient Greek philosophy, continental philosophy, and classical reception studies. At the intersection of these traditions, my research has both methodological and practical concerns: first, with its foundation in the ancient Greek world, how has continental philosophy understood the work (the function and purpose) of philosophy? Second, what political and practical impact has ancient Greek philosophy had on historically marginalized groups? How are those marginalized voices both included in and excluded from ancient Greek philosophical discourse? In conjunction with a historical focus, I incorporate contemporary, critical perspectives in my scholarship to cultivate new understandings of historical texts.
Graduate Assistant, Collegium Phaenomenologicum (2024-present)
First Year Representative, Graduate Student Association, Boston College (2024-present)
Volunteer Teacher, Corrupt the Youth (2024-present)
“Clarifying Aristotle’s View of Abortion in the Politics: Embryonic ‘Generation’ & ‘Perfection’ in Generation of Animals and De Anima,” Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Southern Utah University, March 2023.
“Indigenous Myth & the Iliad: Realizing the Informative Power of Mythic Knowledge,” Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Utah Valley University, April 2022
“Beauvoir’s Ambiguity of Child Caretaking,” Disruptions and Eruptions Conference, Pennsylvania State University, February 2021.