Stokes N230C
Email: abbey.murphy@bc.edu
Philosophy of the Person I and II
Edith Stein's Philosophy
Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy
M/W/F 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Abbey Murphy is a PhD student in the philosophy department at Boston College. She is interested in the phenomenological tradition, in particular about empathy, the heart, and personhood. Abbey also has an interest in the phenomenology of cognition and knowledge. She studies the philosophy of Edith Stein and also has an interest in the thought of Bernard Lonergan. Abbey served on the US/Mexico border with Kino Border Initiative from mid-August 2023 to early-March 2024. She has an interest in Catholic Social thought and how Jesuit education contributes to the formation of the person. Her service work has led her to ask questions about solidarity, accompaniment, and compassion.