Dear friend,

Dean Susan Gennaro Photo: Caitlin Cunningham
This year will be seared into our memories for many reasons. In my case, in addition to the challenges, triumphs, and enduring spirit of hope, this is my last year serving as dean of the Connell School.
Stepping down as dean is something I’ve been considering for a while. In 2018, when I received an R01 research project grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities to design an intervention that reduces the emotional distress that pregnant minority women experience, my time became an increasingly valuable commodity. And when my second grandchild was born last year, it became clear it was time to step down.
I like smooth transitions, and I started preparing early for what matters most to me: doing everything I can to leave the school in the best shape possible while helping recruit a terrific new dean to guide the Connell School into the future. This academic year has been a challenging one. I have been totally engaged with the faculty, staff, and students as we problem-solve in the dynamic way that only CSON can. And while we can’t vanquish COVID, we certainly can assure that the excellent education and research that are the hallmarks of the Connell School of Nursing continue unabated.
I look forward to joining the faculty during the 2021–2022 academic year. But I will miss being your dean, and all the challenges and joys that entails. I want to thank each and every one of you for all of the help you have provided during the past 13 years. It truly has been a pleasure. I’m excited for the new dean’s arrival and wish her all the best.
Susan Gennaro
Dean, Connell School of Nursing