Innovative Courses

The Schiller Institute regularly expands our course offerings to respond to pressing societal challenges. Our courses cover a wide range of topics and specializations—bringing together the sciences, humanties and the arts to discover new knowledge to serve the common good. 

The Schiller Institute co-sponors the Global Public Health and the Common Good Major and Minor. Visit the CSON site for details. 

Course Description

This interdisciplinary course for upper-level undergraduate students will be co-taught by the Schiller Institute Core faculty members, Yi Ming, Hanqin Tian, and Jier Huang, with invited guest lecturers.To borrow a line from A Tale of Two Cities, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Hardly a day goes by without headlines about climate change, environmental degradation, socioeconomic inequality and policy failure. Yet the aspirations for a just, sustainable society and the rapid development of new technologies in renewable energy and AI offer hopes and business opportunities. One thing for sure is that what we choose to do (or not to do) at this particular juncture of history is bound to have long-lasting implications for many generations to come. This interdisciplinary course, to be co-taught by the core faculty members of the Schiller Institute, will focus on the intersection of climate science, sustainable growth, green technology and policy actions. It is designed specifically to provide students with a comprehensive, yet in-depth overview of the complex interrelationships between these four key areas and how they may interact to shape the future of our planet.The course is inspired partly by four recent Nobel Prizes (hence the title), which are in physics (2021), peace (2007), chemistry (2023) and economics (2018), and help anchor the main units. The first unit starts with an overview of the scientific evidence for climate change and its causes, as well as the current state of energy production, consumption and technology. In the second unit, students will then learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning to a more sustainable economy, nature-based solution to climate change. The third unit is devoted to state-of-art technology toward renewable energy. The fourth unit, composed mainly of a series of guest lectures, provides a review of the existing policy frameworks at local, national, and international levels, as well as the role of key actors such as governments, NGOs, industries and communities of faith.Prerequisites: Math 1100 and 1101 or equivalent, one of following (or equivalent): Physics 2200, Chem 1109, Bio 2000 or 2010, EESC 2200Cross-listing: EESC3020

Course Schedule

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30-11:45am in 245 Beacon Street, room 229

Course Description

This course is a one-credit professional development course featuring meetings with leaders engaged in both for-profit and social entrepreneurship, and whose organizations are aligned with the Schiller Institute's mission to serve the common good, focusing on our three core areas: energy, environment, and health.This course offers opportunities for students in any Boston College major to develop an understanding of entrepreneurship, and skills in communication, business, and networking while having unique opportunities to connect with leaders and innovators working on the cutting-edge of these fields. 

Course Schedule

Thursdays, 3:00-4:30pm in 245 Beacon Street, room 215

Course Description

As part of the Schiller Institute's leadership of the BC@UNCOP programming, delegation selection, and administration, we offer a one-credit fall semester course that provides an academic overview of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP) from a historical, political, and social perspective.

The course is required for student members of BC’s official delegation traveling to the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, and open to other interested students through departmental permission.

The fall 2024 version of this course will be facilitated by the two faculty co-leads for the COP29 delegation along with guest faculty.

Course Schedule

Fridays, 12-1:30pm in 245 Beacon Street, room 230

Course Description

The Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society works to serve the common good by developing capacity for scholars to work across disciplines. Being able to navigate across boundaries such as disciplines is a crucial 21st century skill to solve the world's most daunting problems. If we are to truly work for the common good, we need to learn how to work in interdisciplinary teams to address seemingly impossible challenges, but we also need to have the humility to learn from, listen to, and work within communities.

Course Schedule

Spring: Wednesdays, 4 - 5:45pm

Summer Immersive for Chile Project: May 24 - June 14, 2025 (tentative)

Summer Immersive for Zanzibar Project: July 27 - August 16, 2025 (tentative)

Course Description

This course examines the relationship between health and the environment, focusing on how pollution, climate change, and ecosystem changes influence human health. Students will learn how these environmental factors impact public health and explore the roles of public response, policy, and technology in reducing health risks. The course is structured around three main components: Pollution and Health, Climate Change and Health, and Ecosystem Changes and Health. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will engage with scientific research, real-world examples, and policy discussions to develop a comprehensive understanding of the links between health and the environment and address complex environmental health challenges.

Course Schedule

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30-2:45pm in 245 Beacon Street, room 230

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