Working For and With Communities
The Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society works to serve the common good by developing the capacity of scholars to work across disciplines. The Working For and With Communities program is a two course sequence that prioritizes teaching students to engage with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, helping students recognize and appreciate differences while fostering collaboration. This approach cultivates the humility to learn from, listen to, and work within communities, helping to build more inclusive and effective problem-solving processes.
In 2025, our Working For and With Communities program will be expanding to include a project in Santiago, Chile, with our partners at Hogar de Cristo, a public service organization dedicated to helping Chile’s most vulnerable increase their autonomy and dignity, and Universidad Alberto Hurtado, a Jesuit institution in Santiago.
Stay tuned for updates about the project!
The Working With and For Communities course traveled to Siem Reap, Cambodia in 2023. The summer immersive learning experience occurred with our in-country partners, Jesuit Refugee Service, at their Cambodia Reflection Center.
Page in progress. The 2023 project details are coming soon!