Stokes Hall North 313
Telephone: 617-552-3218
Email: john.sallis.1@bc.edu
German Idealism
Plato's Statesman
Heidegger and the Question of Truth
Phenomenology and Deconstruction
Ancient Philosophy
Philosophy of Art, especially in relation to questions of imagination
Kant and German Idealism
Recent Continental Philosophy
Professor Sallis has held Chairs at Pennsylvania State, Vanderbilt University, Loyola University of Chicago, and Duquesne University. He is the founding editor of the journal Research in Phenomenology, and General Editor of "Studies in Continental Thought" (Indiana University Press). He has lectured extensively in Europe, Asia, and North and South America, and is the author of more than 20 books, many translated into other languages.
Kant and the Spirit of Critique (2020)
Songs of Nature (2020)
The Logos of the Sensible World (2019)
Elemental Discourses (2018)
The Return of Nature (Indiana University Press, 2016)
The Figure of Nature (Indiana University Press, 2016)
Senses of Landscape (Northwestern University Press, 2015)
Klee's Mirror (SUNY Press, 2015)
Light Traces (Indiana University Press, 2014)
Transfigurements: On the True Sense of Art (University of Chicago Press, 2008)
The Verge of Philosophy (University of Chicago Press, 2007)
Topographies (Indiana University Press, 2006)