Faculty Directory

Vincent Cho

Program Director, Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) / Professional School Administrator Program (PSAP)

Associate Professor


ELHE Educational Leadership & Higher Education


Vincent Cho specializes in advancing school leadership and student outcomes in the digital age. A former teacher and administrator, he helps schools and educators think through the "people problems" that can go along with technologies in schools. Cho's recent projects have focused on how various technologies are reshaping school discipline, data-informed decision making, and professional identity. He has presented his work at the European Parliament and at educational conferences around the world, as well as received awards from the American Educational Research Association for outstanding research.


Cho, V., Borowiec, K. , & Tuthill, K.F. (2021). Organizational problem solving and school discipline: Comparing the roles of schoolwide behavior management technologies. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(3), 302-317. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-10-2020-0229

Cho, V., Mansfield, K.C., & Claughton, J. (2020). The past and future technology in classroom management and school discipline: A systematic review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2020.103037

Greenhow, C., Cho, V., Dennen, V., & Fishman, B. (2019). Education and social media: Research directions to guide a growing field. Teachers College Record, 121(14).

Cho, V., Hamilton, E.R., & Tuthill, K. F. (2019). Troubles with transformative change: Faction analysis of a 1:1 Catholic school. Journal of Educational Administration. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-05-2018-0089

Wayman, J. C., Shaw, S., & Cho, V. (2017). Longitudinal effects of teacher use of computer data system on student achievement. AERA Open, 3(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858416685534

Cho, V., & Jimerson, J. B. (2017). Managing digital identity on Twitter: The case of school administrators. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(5), 884–900. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143216659295

Cho, V. (2016). Administrators’ professional learning via Twitter: The dissonance between beliefs and actions. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(3), 340–356. http://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-03-2015-0024

Cho, V. (2016). Organizational problem solving around digital distraction. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1(2), 145–158. http://doi.org/10.1108/JPCC-11-2015-0009

Cho, V. & Littenberg-Tobias, J. * (2016). Digital devices and teaching the whole student: Developing and validating an instrument to measure educators’ attitudes and beliefs. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1–17. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-016-9441-x

Cho, V., & Wayman, J. C. (2014). Districts’ efforts for data use and computer data systems: The role of sensemaking in system use and implementation. Teachers College Record, 116 (2), 1–45.



Affiliate Faculty, UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE)


Advisory Board Member, UMass-Lowell Center for Program Evaluation


Editorial Advisory Board, Teachers College Record


American Educational Research Association, Classroom Management SIG, Carol Weinstein Outstanding Research Award. Promises and pitfalls of electronic behavior management platforms: A comparative study. Co-authors: Riden, Borowiec, & Tuthill.


American Educational Research Association, Committee on Scholars of Color in Education, Early Career Scholar of Color


American Educational Research Association, Organizational Theory SIG, Best Paper Award. Districts’ efforts for data use and computer data systems: The role of sensemaking in system use and implementation.