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Do GHG Emissions and/or Green Innovation Affect Financial Results for Corporate Venture Investments?

RESEARCH BRIEF - GHG-emission reduction and green innovation have a significant positive e...

Does environmental CSR influence consumers’ purchase intentions more than other CSR types?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Sharing information about a company’s environmental efforts at the point ...

Fortune 500 and Employment-Related CSR

RESEARCH BRIEF - Smaller firms can attract and attain more high-quality employees by impro...

Institutional Investors, Climate Disclosure, and Carbon Emissions

RESEARCH BRIEF - Investor demand for climate-related information leads to greater corporat...

Do ESG scores play a role in a firm's market value?

RESEARCH BRIEF - This study observed market value of ~200 firms from 2002 to 2021. Resear...

How ESG affects equity valuation, risk, and performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Can positive changes in a company's ESG characteristics serve as a usefu...

Cause Marketing and Corporate Citizenship

ISSUE BRIEF - Cause marketing campaigns raise proceeds for nonprofit causes, connect brand...

From the Corner Office

THE CORPORATE CITIZEN | WINTER 2023: This article looks at how today's executives view and...

It pays to manage climate risk

RESEARCH BRIEF - In a study of nearly 12,000 bank loan terms at nearly 3,000 U.S. compani...

Board composition affects sustainability and financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers collected data for 456 public U.S. companies, examining boar...

Corporate citizenship linked to lower default risk

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies with higher corporate citizenship scores are less likely to de...

Which CSR methods contribute to sales?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied 80 CSR initiatives of various consumer-packaged good...