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Do GHG Emissions and/or Green Innovation Affect Financial Results for Corporate Venture Investments?

RESEARCH BRIEF - GHG-emission reduction and green innovation have a significant positive e...

FAA finalizes rule to reduce carbon pollution from new airplanes

The rule requires incorporating improved fuel-efficient technologies for airplanes manufac...

SEC Final Rule on Corporate Climate Disclosure: An Overview of New Reporting Requirements

The SEC just approved a final rule on corporate climate disclosure that companies have bee...

Environmental Sustainability 101

COURSE - Environmental sustainability is a critical component of corporate citizenship str...

FCA publishes final anti-greenwashing and sustainability reporting rules

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published its final rules on the UK’s Sustainabi...

Do ESG scores play a role in a firm's market value?

RESEARCH BRIEF - This study observed market value of ~200 firms from 2002 to 2021. Resear...

Montana state court rules in favor of young plaintiffs in environmental justice case

A state judge has decided in favor of 16 Montana youth who allege the state violated their...

New rules outlined by the ISSB crack down on corporate greenwashing

Under a new set of G20-backed global rules written by the International Sustainability Sta...

European Parliament approves new corporate due diligence rules

The European Parliament has adopted several amendments to the corporate sustainability due...

President Biden signs executive order revitalizing commitment to environmental justice

President Biden recently signed an executive order instructing all federal agencies to wor...

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs anti-ESG measures into law

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill that forbids state officials from...

EU parliament backs ambitious carbon market reform

In an effort to decrease emissions by an additional 19% by 2030, a new EU reform will add ...