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CSR Research: The Value of Corporate Citizenship

esg scores - 1

Do ESG scores play a role in a firm's market value?

RESEARCH BRIEF - This study observed market value of ~200 firms from 2002 to 2021. Researchers looked at the firms’ overall ESG scores and scores for each of ESG’s three pillars: environmental, social, and governance...

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storytelling or facts consumer

Does environmental CSR influence consumers’ purchase intentions more than other CSR types?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Sharing information about a company’s environmental efforts at the point of purchase can increase a consumer’s reported willingness to buy a given product.

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ESG ranking and corporate debt - 1

Fortune 500 and Employment-Related CSR

RESEARCH BRIEF - Smaller firms can attract and attain more high-quality employees by improving and communicating non-monetary benefits.

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CSR aligned with business helps financial performance

The Case for a Long-Term Perspective on the Financial Value of Sustainability Initiatives

RESEARCH BRIEF - Investing in sustainability initiatives has the potential to have a more favorable return on investment in the long term.

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