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CSR Research: The Value of Corporate Citizenship

strategies for socially focused csr vs environmental

CSR and financial performance: Different strategies for environmental and social activities

RESEARCH BRIEF - To reap financial benefits from socially focused activities, companies should first manage their external reputational threats and organizational innovation effectively.

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csr effect on sales

Which CSR methods contribute to sales?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied 80 CSR initiatives of various consumer-packaged goods brands, classifying each into one of three categories... Which one most affected sales?

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csr impacts innovation

CSR performance positively impacts innovation

RESEARCH BRIEF - Does corporate social and environmental performance have a positive impact on corporate innovation? Researchers say yes.

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esg firm valuation and stock efficiency

ESG performance helps firm valuation and stock efficiency

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied more than 1,800 U.S. firms using ESG performance scores to examine whether and how ESG performance might contribute to firm valuation by stockholders.

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CSR aligned with business helps financial performance

Investing in CSR aligned with business leads to improved financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Strong performance on CSR issues that are material to a company’s industry positively affects financial performance.

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higher csr score less likely to default

Corporate citizenship linked to lower default risk

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies with higher corporate citizenship scores are less likely to default on debt obligations.

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environmental ratings and credit risk

Strong environmental ratings linked to decreased credit risk

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers examined the relationship between CSR ratings and credit risk by analyzing the influence of environmental, social, and governance ratings on different measures of credit risk across U.S. and E.U. firms.

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board composition affects environmental performance

Board composition affects sustainability and financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers collected data for 456 public U.S. companies, examining board characteristics, corporate sustainability performance, and corporate financial performance over a five-year span.

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csr linked to financial performance

CSR benefits financial performance across industries

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers used ESG data on more than 400 firms in 17 countries, looking at how firm size and industry affect the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance.

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csr corporate apology statement

When to mention CSR in corporate apology statements—congruence and commitment

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers surveyed 252 U.S. consumers, who were asked to read a negative news article about a fictitious pharmaceutical company, along with an apology statement admitting fault for failing to report adverse side effects of its pain reliever.

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ESG ranking and corporate debt - 1

Increased ESG ranking lowers the cost of corporate debt

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers examined more than 1,500 bonds from S&P 500 companies and the firms’ ESG scores to determine if there is a relationship between a company’s score and their cost of debt.

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esg reporting frameworks regulation

How ESG affects equity valuation, risk, and performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Can positive changes in a company's ESG characteristics serve as a useful indicator for predicting investment quality?

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