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Research Briefs


Women board members defy gender roles

Researchers investigated how gender diversity in the boardroom affects corporate leadership. They found that women in the boardroom bring a lot to the table, but not in stereotypically feminine ways. Female directors tend to be dynamic leaders, more open to risk and less beholden to tradition than their male counterparts.

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Diversity in the boardroom drives innovation, improves reputation, and bolsters performance

Researchers investigated the effect of gender and racial diversity in the boardroom. They found that racial boardroom diversity was associated with higher levels of innovation, a better corporate reputation, and better overall corporate performance. In addition, they found gender diversity was associated with higher levels of innovation.

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Cause-related marketing is a brand’s best bet for Facebook visibility

This study considers the effectiveness of two marketing techniques associated with donating to charity. Cause-related marketing was found to be a more effective method than cause sponsorship in prompting Facebook users to share the brand page with peers.

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High prices and low product expertise dissuade customers from going green

This compilation of studies shows that high prices and a lack of product information are the two greatest barriers deterring customers from purchasing green items.

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Celebrity Firm Status Has Its Perks

Researchers studied the effects of being a popular or high reputation firm on market rewards and punishments. Their findings: they will be rewarded more and punished less.

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Failure to maintain reputation increases firms’ vulnerability to boycott threats

Researchers study reports of US boycotts in relation to boycott prevalence and corresponding reactions. Among the findings, they learned that companies struggling to maintain positive reputation face an increased threat from boycotts and may feel greater pressure to make concessions. This document is for members only; you must be logged in as a member to view it.

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Corporate governance measures impact stock performance

Researchers estimate that investing in a portfolio of companies with high shareholder rights would outperform a high management rights portfolio by 9.3% a year.

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Consumer identification is key to successful cause marketing campaigns

This research finds that customers are more likely to purchase a company’s products if they personally identify with the company or the cause promoted through the product, or if there is a strong fit between the company and the cause it supports.

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Environmental and social programs boost the triple bottom line

Just as the title suggests, researchers found that if a company invests in environmental and social programs, each kind of investment will affect environmental, social, and economic performance.

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Only firms in highly regulated industries appear to derive value from political spending

In regulated industries like banking, political spending is associated with stronger market performance.

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Shareholder actions and regulation focused on industry peers can motivate firm environmental disclosure

Researchers found that shareholder resolutions and the threat of state regulation provoked firms’ public disclosure of important environmental information.

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Companies with high CSR ratings had lower cost of equity

Study shows that efforts to improve employee relations, product sustainability, and environmental policies have a significant impact on lowering the cost of equity for companies.

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