Before you go

The OGE will share pre-departure information with you in a number of ways.  All students are required to complete the quiz on the pre-departure Google Site, attend an in-person pre-departure orientation meeting led by the OGE advisor for their region, and to read the Study Abroad Handbook. Your host institution may also ask you to participate in a pre-departure orientation and require that you attend an on-site orientation upon arrival in your host country.

Health & Safety first

BC students are covered by Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). Our plan includes full medical insurance, political and natural disaster evacuation services. Please visit our Health & Safety page for more information and details about the Boston College coverage plan.

Video Resources

Watch these videos to learn about CISI, STEP and AlertTraveller, essential resources for your time abroad. 

What to expect from pre-departure orientation


Students are responsible for obtaining any required entry permit or visa for your host country. Failure to do so in a timely fashion can jeopardize your participation in your overseas studies program.

A valid passport is required to study abroad. An entry permit or visa may be necessary for you to enter and study in your host country. You will be responsible for the application process unless otherwise specified by your OGE advisor. OGE cannot expedite the issuance of entry permits and visas.

Students should know that most countries that require a student visa or entry permit will retain your passport while processing your application. This may restrict your travel outside of the U.S. over the summer  (fall semester students) or your holiday break (spring semester students) depending upon the amount of time the consulate needs to process an application. Please plan accordingly.

Once you are approved to apply to your host institution, you will receive access to the Pre-Departure Google Site. The site covers the following information as well as provides additional resources and links. The site also contains a mandatory quiz which must be completed before your region-specific meeting. 

Attend an in-person, region-specific pre-departure meeting for:

  • Tips on making the most of your time abroad, breaking out of the BC/American student abroad bubble
  • Host Country Culture Discussion - academics, stereotypes, language, dealing with culture shock
  • Visa information for the host country
  • Local safety precautions, laws and customs,  on-site support/contacts
  • How to access health care in your host country, relevant vaccinations
  • Budgeting
  • Housing options

Attitudes toward women, the LGBTQ population, disabled people, and various ethnic/racial groups vary worldwide. Customs, beliefs, laws, facilities, and social practices relating to these populations may be different than in the US. The OGE is strongly committed to the belief that all students' experiences overseas are enhanced through a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds.

Visit Diversity & Inclusion for specific resources offered by BC and the OGE, as well as outside resources and support networks. With any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to the OGE.

Continue to refer to the Study Abroad Handbook for pre-departure checklist, travel preparations (communication) and health preparations, Boston College policies, safety & responsibilities, preparing for your return, and what to do in emergencies abroad.

While Abroad

Cultural Adjustment

Once abroad, you may face an adjustment period referred to as "culture shock." The degree of "shock" depends on such factors as length of study abroad, your flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, degree of difference between your home and host culture, prior experience abroad, and your expectations. Culture shock is a normal part of study abroad. It shows that you are experiencing the differences between your culture and that of the host country. Symptoms of culture shock can include: homesickness, depression, feeling lost and out of place, frustration, irritability, and fatigue. If you experience culture shock, remember that you are not alone and will get through it.


Boston College partners with Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) to provide health and emergency services to Boston College students while traveling and living outside the United States.

BC Safe App

BC Safe is the official mobile safety app for Boston College. The app provides many safety features and other helpful resources for BC travelers.

Smart Traveler

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

AlertTraveler App

AlertTraveler offers a world of up-to-date country and city travel intelligence in your pocket. Download the AlertTraveler App and enable GPS location and alert features.

Arrival Abroad

Upon arrival, be sure to contact your family. Next, login to My OIP and complete the "Local Address Abroad Questionnaire." Remember to check your BC email for important updates.


The Pre-Departure Site is a resource for Accepted Students as they prepare to go abroad. Here students can access the required Pre-Departure Site Quiz and other resources such as FAQs, a timeline, the Study Abroad Handbook, learn about other students’ experiences and find country specific resources.

Did you know?

Students should be mindful of the different cultures they will encounter. To be mindful, pay careful attention to local laws, customs and attitudes.