Email: samuel.hay@bc.edu
Dr. Sam Hay is an accomplished educator and researcher with extensive
experience in developmental and educational psychology. Currently
serving as an Advisor for school-aged research, evidence, and learning
for Save the Children, he leads research to enhance school-aged
learning, wellbeing, and protection programs. In this role, Dr. Hay
designs and analyzes research to build an evidence base for effective
interventions, supports the development of assessments, and collaborates
with various country-level offices on projects funded by USAID and
USDA. Dr. Hay has taught various psychology and research methods courses
at Boston College. Previously, he served as the Associate Director of
Undergraduate Programs at Woods College. Dr. Hay holds a Ph.D. in
Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology from the Lynch School
of Education and Human Development and a Masters of Theology and
Ministry from the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College.