The courses listed below all count toward the American Studies minor, but it is not an exhaustive listing of every single course that could conceivably count toward the minor. Depending on your area of concentration within the minor, there might well be others. If you have a question about counting a course not listed here toward the minor, please check with Assistant Program Director Nicholas Adler.
Undergraduate Courses
Fall 2025
Please visit the EagleApps Course Information and Schedule site for up-to-date course descriptions, faculty, meeting times, and room assignments.
Senior Seminar
In your senior year, you must enroll in the course designated as the American Studies Senior Seminar. The topic of the seminar, an interdisciplinary course housed in one of the major cooperating departments, varies every year. The course is required for completion of the minor.
ENGL 5513: Senior Seminar
In this interdisciplinary seminar, students employ American Studies methods to engage with various issues and controversies in American culture and society, past and present, as well as focus on a guiding topic. Within this framework, students will have ample opportunity to pursue independent research related to their particular interests and chosen area of concentration in the American Studies minor (i.e., Race and Ethnicity; Gender, Sexuality, and Culture; Society and Subcultures; Popular Culture and Media; Law, Politics, and Culture; Cultures of Cities; America and the World). The seminar culminates in a substantial research paper and presentation.
The English Department regularly offers graduate courses in American studies.
These include:
- Reporting Civil Rights (ENGL401601)
- Experimental Writing for Scholars (ENGL6002)
- Atlanta and the Black Atlantic (ENGL602501)
- Issues and Methods in American Studies (ENGL 7782)
- The City in American Literature and Film (ENGL 7746)
- Postwar Hollywood: Film Analysis (ENGL7008)
English Department graduate courses are open to M.A. and Ph.D. students across the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and to undergraduate English majors with permission of the instructor.