Learning Outcomes

  1. Critical skills and thinking. Students will be able to apply a sociological lens to scholarly research and other sources of information (e.g., newspapers).

  2. Career training. Students will be well-prepared for graduate training and/or entry-level positions in various fields:
    • Students will be able to reason logically, write cogently, and work with others.
    • Students will be able to discuss, in depth, sociological theories, ideas, and literature.
  3. Research skills.
    • Students will be able to transform a problem of interest into a researchable question.
    • Students will be able to justify various methodological decisions on ethical as well as logical grounds.
    • Students will be able to collect, analyze, and interpret qualitative and quantitative data.
  4. Life skills. Students will develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their role in society. Students will be able to explain how societal and structural factors influence life experiences and social problems across historical and cultural contexts.