Book Chapters

In Press

Faul, L. & Kensinger , E.A. (accepted). Emotional memory. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 3rd Edition. Elsevier.

Garcia, S.M. & Kensinger, E.A. (submission approved). Emotional Processing in Aging. Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, 2nd edition. Elsevier.

Kensinger, E.A., Garcia, S.M., & Monkman, R.G. (submission approved). Episodic Emotional Memory. The Handbook of Human Affective Neuroscience, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press.

Kensinger, E.A., & Daley, R.T. (submission approved). Affective Neuroscience and Aging. The Oxford Handbook of Social and Affective Neuroscience.

Kensinger EA & Fields EC (in press). Affective memory. In M. J. Kahana & A. D. Wagner (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Human Memory. New York: Oxford University Press.


Kensinger EA, Ford J & Daley RT (2020). Emotion and Memory (Ch. 13, pgs 236-253). In The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Aging. (Thomas AK & Gutchess A, Eds.) Cambridge University Press.


Duarte A & Kensinger EA (2019). Age-related changes in episodic memory (Ch. 4, pgs. 111-134). In The Aging Brain: Functional Adaptation Across Adulthood. (Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Ed.). American Psycological Association.

 Kensinger EA & Kark S. (2018) Emotion and Memory. In Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol 1, Learning and Memory, 4th Edition. (Wixted J, Phelps EA, & Davachi L, Eds.). Hoboken, NJL Wiley Press.

 Kensinger EA & Gutchess A (2015). Memory for emotional and social information in adulthood and old age. In Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory. (Addis DR, Barense M, & Duarte A, Eds.) Wiley Press.


Kensinger EA, Allard ER, & Krendl AC (2014).  The effects of age on memory for socio-emotional material: An affective neuroscience perspective.  In Emotion, Social Cognition, and Everyday Problem Solving During Adulthood (P. Verhaeghen and C. Hertzog, Eds.).  New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Murray BD, Holland AC, & Kensinger EA (2013).  Episodic memory and emotion. In Handbook of Cognition and Emotion (M.D. Robinson, E.R. Watkins, and E. Harmon-Jones, Eds.).  New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Murray BD & Kensinger EA (2012).  Cognitive Aging.  In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (N.M. Seel, Ed.).  New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Murray BD & Kensinger EA (2012).  Emotional Memory.  In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (N.M. Seel, Ed.).  New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Murray BD & Kensinger EA (2012).  Semantic Memory in Profound Amnesia.  In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (N.M. Seel, Ed.).  New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Kensinger EA (2011).  Emotion-Memory Interactions in Older Adulthood.  In Memory and Aging: Current Issues and Future Directions (M. Naveh-Benjamin and N. Ohta, Eds.).  New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Selected Chapters from 2010 and Earlier

Kensinger EA (2009).  Cognition in aging and age-related disease.  In L.R. Squire (Ed.) The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.  Oxford: Elsevier Press.

Kensinger EA (2009). Phases of influence: How emotion modulates the formation and retrieval of declarative memories.  In M. Gazzaniga (Ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences IV.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Schacter DL, Gutchess AH, & Kensinger EA (2009). Specificity of memory: Implications for individual and collective remembering. In P. Boyer & J. Wertsch (Eds.), Memory in Mind and Culture (pp. 83-111). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kensinger EA & Corkin  S (2008). Amnesia: Point and Counterpoint. In R. Menzel (Ed.), Learning Theory and Behavior , Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J. Byrne Editor)Oxford: Elsevier Press. (pp. 259-286).

Kensinger EA & Schacter DL (2008).  Memory and Emotion. In M. Lewis, J. M. Haviland-Jones and L. F. Barrett (Eds.), The Handbook of Emotion, 3rd Edition (pp. 601-617).  New York:  Guilford.

Schacter DL, Gallo DA, & Kensinger EA (2007).  The cognitive neuroscience of implicit and false memories: Perspectives on processing specificity.  In J.S. Nairne (Ed.) The foundations of remembering: Essays in honor of Henry L. Roediger III (pp. 353-377). New York: Psychology Press.

Kensinger EA & Corkin S (2004).  Cognition in Aging and Age-Related Disease.  In Adelman G and Smith BH (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Web, CD-ROM), New York: Elsevier Press.

Kensinger EA & Corkin S (2003).  Neural Changes in Ageing  In Nadel L (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.  London, UK: Macmillian Ltd. 

Kensinger EA & Corkin S (2003).  Alzheimer’s Disease.  In Nadel L (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.  London, UK: Macmillian Ltd.

Kensinger EA, Milligan DK, Locascio JJ, & Corkin S (2000).  The effect of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease on the components of working memory.  In J.H. Growdon, R.J. Wurtman, S. Corkin, & R.M. Nitsch (Eds.), Molecular Genetics of Dementia (pp. 291-297) Cambridge, MA: Center for Brain Sciences and Metabolism Charitable Trust.

Kensinger EA (1996). Early and late onset as subdivisions of Alzheimer’s disease. In The Harvard Brain, 26-29.