77. Lingchao Kong, Rahi M. Reja, Yuhan Lyu, and Jianmin Gao*, “Tuning the Residence Time of Lysine-Targeting Reversible Covalent Warheads,” in preparation  for submission in July 2023. 

76. Yuhan Lyu, Fan Yang, Bharathi Sundaresh, Federico Rosconi, Tim van Opijnen, and Jianmin Gao*, “Covalent Inhibition of a Host-Pathogen Protein-Protein  Interaction Curbs the Virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae,” in preparation for submission in June 2023. 

75. Mengmeng Zheng and Jianmin Gao*, “Phage Display of Two Distinct Warheads to Inhibit Challenging Proteins,” under review. 

74. Rahi M. Reja, Brittney Chau and Jianmin Gao*, “Diazaborine Mediated Bicyclization of Native Peptides with Inducible Reversibility,” Org. Lett., 2023, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.orglett.3c01496.

A chemistry diagram

73. Brittney Chau, Kristi Liivak, and Jianmin Gao*, “Construction of Nonnatural Cysteine-Crosslinked Phage Libraries,” Methods in Molecular Biology –  Bacteriophages, 2023, edited by Professor Ebenzer Tumban, in press. 

72. Fa-Jie Chen,# Nicole Pinnette,# Fan Yang, and Jianmin Gao*, “A Cysteine-Directed Proximity-Driven Crosslinking Method for Native Peptide Bicyclization,”  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 10.1002/anie.202306813. #co-first authors

A chemistry diagram