Email: ribeirad@bc.edu
Cell biology and host cell manipulation by Apicomplexan parasites.
I received my Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree (cellular and molecular immunology and vaccinology) from Tours University (France). During my Ph.D. at the National Institute of Agronomics Research in Tours, I characterized the expression and the role of rhoptry kinases during the Eimeria tenella infection.
I joined Gubbels lab in 2022 to work on another Apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. My work consists in understanding the implication of kinases and phosphatases in the parasite structure.
Genome-Wide Expression Patterns of Rhoptry Kinases during the Eimeria tenella Life-Cycle (2021, Microorganisms: 1621) A. Ribeiro E Silva, A. Sausset, F. Bussière, F. Laurent, S. Lacroix-Lamandé, A. Silvestre
Incorporation of apoE into HBV-HCV subviral envelope particles to improve the hepatitis vaccine strategy (2021, Scientificreports:21856) E. Gomez-Escobar, J. Burlaud-Gaillard, C. Visdeloup, A. Ribeiro E Silva, P. Coutant, P. Roingeard, E. Beaumont
Eimeria tenellaROP kinase EtROP1 induces G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and inhibits host cell apoptosis (2019, Cellular Microbiology: e13027) M. Diallo, A. Sausset, A. Gnahoui‐David, A. Ribeiro E Silva, A. Brionne, Y. Le Vern, F. Bussière, J. Tottey, S. Lacroix‐Lamandé, F. Laurent, A. Silvestre
Defining the Role of the Streptococcus agalactiaeSht-Family Proteins in Zinc Acquisition and Complement Evasion (2019, Journal of Bacteriology: e00757-18) P. Moulin, V. Rong, A. Ribeiro E Silva, V. G. Pederick, E. Camiade, L. Mereghetti, C. A. McDevitt, A. Hiron