Stokes Hall South 354
Email: elspeth.currie@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-8363-4943
Europe in the World II
Atlantic Worlds I
Early modern Europe, women and gender, intellectual history
Elspeth Currie is a PhD candidate and researches women’s Latin education and intellectual lives within the humanist household of early modern England. She is particularly interested in the connections between women’s intellectual agency and their familial ties.
Elspeth graduated summa cum laude with a BA in History and Classical Studies from Gordon College in 2016 and received a MSt in Women's Studies with high distinction from the University of Oxford in 2017. Her earlier research studied classical reception in the Jacobean querelle des femmes and matrilineal intellectual legacies in seventeenth century England. Before returning to higher education, Elspeth taught Latin and history at the secondary level.
"Double-Sisters: Authority, Gender, and Mortuary Scroll Compositions in the Early Twelfth-Century.” The Haskins Society Journal, Vol 35, (publication forthcoming, 2025).
Currie, Elspeth. "A Learned Lady? Anne Wentworth Watson and Her Latin Notebook." Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 20, (publication forthcoming, 2024).