Bowman Advocates for Inclusive Culture

Mission Statement

Bowman Advocates for Inclusive Culture are student leaders who strive to support and empower the undergraduate student body in building a more inclusive Boston College community through cross-cultural dialogue.

Who We Are

Boston College sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have been trained by BAIC staff members to facilitate cross-cultural activities and dialogues with our peer community.

What We Do

  1. Co-facilitate debrief sessions during the Diversity Edu program during Welcome Week along with Resident Assistants, FACES members, faculty, and staff
  2. Facilitate Cultural Competency workshops for students that focus on diversity and identity
  3. Facilitate small group discussions at BAIC events or Diversity Conferences

Bowman Advocates

  • Accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of their leadership skills
  • Articulate awareness of social justice issuesIdentify the relationship between past inequalities' and current social structures and conditions
  • Identify experiences that have consciously or unconsciously shaped their identity, assumptions about other people and their world view.
  • Define specific terms related to prejudice and discrimination
  • Explain the impact of bias behaviors in interpersonal and inter-group relationships  
  • Explain different levels of power and privilege that are associated with group membership      

If you have any questions or are interested in being part of the Bowman Advocate leadership program, please contact:

Andy Petigny, Associate Director

Applications are due September 8, 2023!

Apply Today