Under My Skin: Tattoos and Religion

headshot of Gustavo Morello

Gustavo Morello
Boston College

Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Time: 12 - 1pm
Location: 24 Quincy Road, Conference Room

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Are tattoos legitimate religious practices? Are they real religion? For many, among Z gen and in the past, tattoos have been a way to connect with the supernatural. In this talk, Morello will explore the connections between tattoos and religion, their conflictive history, and their thriving present. Tattoos may help us better understand our religious world.

headshot of Gustavo Morello

Gustavo Morello, SJ, is a Jesuit priest and Professor of Sociology at Boston College. He was the principal investigator of the research project ‘The Transformation of Lived Religion in Urban Latin America: A Study of Contemporary Latin Americans’ Experience of the Transcendent" (2015-2018), and delivered the D’Arcy Lectures at Campion Hall, University of Oxford, UK (2019). Morello studies the Latin American religious landscape, exploring how modernity affects people’s religious practices. His latest book is Religion in Latin America: An Enchanted Modernity (OUP, 2021).

Photo credits: Christopher Soldt, MTS