Science, Tech & Health

trees in a forest

Science, Tech & Health / Chemistry

Cleaner, greener plastics from wood

April 29, 2023

BC chemists use light to convert abundant lignin into plastic that can be continually recycled.

Brian K. Smith

Science, Tech & Health / Technology

The 411 on chatbots

April 10, 2023

Insights from Lynch School Associate Dean Brian K. Smith on ChatGPT.

Jennie Chin Hansen

Science, Tech & Health / Nursing & Healthcare

Jennie Chin Hansen delivers Pinnacle Lecture

April 09, 2023

The alumna, distinguished nurse leader, and former president of AARP talks about health policy at Connell School event.

Andrew Dwyer

Science, Tech & Health / Nursing & Healthcare

Macy Faculty Scholar

April 01, 2023

The Macy Foundation will support Connell School of Nursing Associate Professor Andrew Dwyer's project to address disparities in genomic healthcare.

plastic bottle caps

Science, Tech & Health / Earth, Environment & Sustainability

Health hazards of plastic: From cradle to grave

March 21, 2023

Global Observatory on Planetary Health Director Philip Landrigan, M.D., present a sweeping new report on hazards at every stage of plastics' life cycle.

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Christopher Wray

Science, Tech & Health / Technology

FBI Director keynotes cyber security conference

June 04, 2022

Christopher Wray outlined global threats and deterrence efforts at the sixth annual event organized by Boston College and the FBI.

COP26 event

Science, Tech & Health / Earth, Environment & Sustainability

Lessons learned at COP26

December 09, 2021

Boston College attendees at the U.N. Climate Change Conference reflect on takeaways and the road from here.

Loch Torridon in Scotland

Science, Tech & Health / Biology & Genetics

Finding the 'missing link'

June 21, 2021

The discovery of a billion-year-old fossil offers new insight into animal evolution, BC researcher says.

A man with a bird perched in his finger

Science, Tech & Health / Biology & Genetics

For the birds

March 20, 2021

BC biologist contributes to a milestone in avian research.

Cybersecurity graphic

Science, Tech & Health / Technology

'This fight requires a whole-of-society approach'

March 05, 2021

Fifth annual conference on cybersecurity organized by Boston College and the FBI assesses global and domestic threats.

Cybersecurity graphic

Science, Tech & Health / Technology

'This fight requires a whole-of-society approach'

March 05, 2021

Fifth annual conference on cybersecurity organized by Boston College and the FBI assesses global and domestic threats.


Science, Tech & Health / Earth, Environment & Sustainability

School of rocks

January 05, 2021

BC Earth and Environmental Studies Chair Ethan Baxter is making videos to get kids interested in geosciences.

Lisa Piccirillo

Science, Tech & Health / Mathematics

A tough knot to crack

October 09, 2020

The Conway knot problem confounded mathematicians for more than fifty years. Lisa Piccirillo ’13 solved it in less than a week.

Blood pressure check

Science, Tech & Health / Nursing & Healthcare

Debate: Mass. Question 1

October 27, 2018

Video: Connell School of Nursing faculty square off on the proposal to mandate a patient-to-nurse ratio in Mass. hospitals.

Connell School student tends to a child in Nicaragua

Science, Tech & Health / Nursing & Healthcare

Nursing, with love

May 08, 2018

Experience a Connell School service immersion trip to one of Nicaragua's poorest communities.

Addie Egan

Science, Tech & Health / Nursing & Healthcare

'Humbling, heartbreaking, beautiful'

May 03, 2020

Faces of the pandemic frontlines captured by Connell School alumna and ER nurse Adeline Egan.

A student presentation at Advancing Research and Scholarship Day

Science, Tech & Health / Earth, Environment & Sustainability

Research for change

December 12, 2016

BC's third annual Advancing Research and Scholarship Day focused on the environment and society.

BC Earth & Environmental Sciences Department's new Center for Isotope Geochemistry.Earth & Environmental Sciences opens new ‘clean lab’

Science, Tech & Health / Earth, Environment & Sustainability

The clean lab

December 05, 2016

The new Center for Isotope Geochemistry will enable interdisciplinary study of earth processes across billions of years.

sea turtle

Science, Tech & Health / Earth, Environment & Sustainability

Tracking turtles via drone

February 16, 2016

Carroll School of Management student Branick Weix helped researchers track endangered sea turtles.