The Carroll School of Management has long put an emphasis on hiring high-quality professors who can conduct high-quality research. Now the school has added a resource to aid its scholars: the Consumer Insights Panel (CIP), aimed at providing immediate and targeted data in behavioral research.
Organized and managed by Assistant Professors of Marketing Hristina Nikolova and Nailya Ordabayeva, the panel is expected to open the door to more innovative behavioral research and further cutting-edge marketing studies on campus.
The CIP will consist of a centralized system that brings together the Carroll School community: faculty looking to conduct studies and students or staff members who are participating either by taking surveys or completing directed tasks. Because the type of research dictates the kind of assets needed, the CIP is coming at an opportune time for the Carroll School, say the organizers.
“I look at how consumers visually perceive and respond to product packages and food portions, and Hristina does research on group decision-making and interactions,” says Ordabayeva. “Both necessitate an organized setting. So we, along with many other Carroll School faculty, will benefit from this streamlined platform that will put tailored behavioral data at our fingertips.”
“This will give us the flexibility to conduct more interesting kinds of research,” says Nikolova. “You can always collect data online but that limits the type of work you can do. Furthermore, with the panel in place, we will be able to devote more time to teaching and exploring bigger research questions. It will just make logistics easier.”
The pair adds that the CIP could be a significant factor in attracting new faculty to the Carroll School.
“I think we’re doing this at the right time,” says Ordabayeva. “Because so many of us are interested in doing the type of work that requires a certain degree of organization, we all see the value of the panel.”
The Consumer Insights Panel is now recruiting students and staff to register as panelists, who will be paid $5 in cash for every 30 minutes of participation. To sign up, go to bccsom.sona-systems.com; for more information, e-mail cip-ggroup@bc.edu.