The period around St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) often serves as an opportunity for Boston College to observe its historic Irish roots. This year, for example, features the Burns Library exhibit “One Story Draws Another,” comprising selections by library staff from Burns’ world renowned Irish Collections – books, manuscripts and artifacts documenting Irish literature and culture, and the Irish-American experience. For more on the exhibit, which runs until May 8, read this entry from the Burns Library blog [http://bit.ly/181RWXn].
This Saturday, Boston College Irish Dance presents its annual performance on March 14 at Robsham Theater at 7 p.m. This year’s show, “Radiance,” will once again feature the student dance troupe’s traditional and contemporary Irish dance pieces; there also will be guest appearances by the Dance Organization of Boston College and a cappella group the Acoustics. Tickets are $10 plus service fee. For information, see www.bc.edu/theater.
On March 18, former Burns Library Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies Diarmaid Ferriter returns to campus as part of the Lowell Humanities Series [www.bc.edu/lowell]. Ferriter, a professor of modern Irish history at University College Dublin who held the Burns Chair during the 2008-09 academic year, will give the talk, “‘Scrambling for the Bones of the Patriot Dead’: Remembering the Irish Revolution, 1913-23,” at 7 p.m. in Gasson 100.
The Irish Studies Program and McMullen Museum of Art will present a day-long symposium, “The Arts and Crafts Movement: Making It Irish,” on March 21 in Stokes 195 South. For more on the event – a precursor to an upcoming McMullen exhibition – see http://bit.ly/1wWxCmk.
This semester’s Burns Visiting Scholar, University College Cork medieval historian Damian Bracken, will present the annual Burns Chair in Irish Studies lecture, “Outside the Empire: Ireland and the Subversion of Christian Identity,” on March 24 at 4 p.m. in the Burns Library Thompson Room.