Boston College’s Carroll School of Management has climbed into the top five of the best undergraduate business schools in the country, according to new rankings out today by Bloomberg BusinessWeek of Top Undergraduate Business Programs. The Carroll School is now ranked 4th, up two spots from last year’s ranking.
“I’m very proud of everybody in the business school who’ve helped us along the way. It’s a great achievement, but we’re going to get better,” says Dean Andy Boynton. “With respect to what Boston College is trying to accomplish with its undergraduates and the values at BC, there’s no better undergraduate business school in the country.”
The Carroll School, which enrolls approximately 2,000 students, has made a double-digit climb in just three years; in 2011, the program was ranked 16th.
“If you get the right talent together and a lot of energy and enthusiasm and focus, and are consistent with the values of Boston College, anything is possible,” says Boynton. “We are competing successfully among some of the best business schools and universities in the world and I give all the credit to our faculty, undergraduate associate dean Dick Keeley and his staff, and the students we have. We’ve gotten great alumni support and President [William P.] Leahy has been very supportive of what we’ve been trying to do over the last ten years.”
The University of Notre Dame, University of Virginia, and Cornell University placed just ahead of Boston College. Washington University’s Olin Business School placed just behind at number five.
Boynton has consistently pointed to great faculty research and teaching as factors for why the Carroll School is a formidable force in the education landscape.
“Our faculty and staff are remarkably talented and are really doing a great job,” says Boynton.
The Bloomberg BusinessWeek rankings are based on student assessment, academic quality metrics, employer opinion, median starting salary, and a "feeder school" score, which reflects how many students undergraduate programs send to top MBA programs. Approximately 29,000 graduating seniors at 132 universities received the survey. Additionally, Bloomberg BusinessWeek used an employer survey, which measures employers' perceptions of student quality at schools from which they hire undergraduates.