The Boston College Board of Trustees welcomes five new members for the 2012-13 academic year:

Ralph Stayer is the chairman and chief executive officer of Johnsonville Sausage, LLC, of Wisconsin. Under his leadership, Johnsonville has become the nation’s leading sausage brand, and is recognized for its award-winning business operation method that blends teamwork and individual accountability. Stayer serves on the board of directors of Brunswick Corp., the Boys and Girls Clubs in the Midwest Region, and the Boomer Esiason Foundation. He is also a past chairman of the Marian College Board of Trustees. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, he and his wife, Shelly, are the parents of seven children, including Brooke Beth Stayer-Wagner ’14.
Joseph “Jay” Hooley III ’79 is the chairman and chief executive officer of State Street Corp., a Boston-based financial services holding company. A member of the Carroll School of Management’s Finance Advisory Board and chairman of the Center for Asset Management, Hooley also serves on the boards of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston Financial Data Services, Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, and the President’s Council of the Massachusetts General Hospital. He and his wife, Linda, are the parents of four children, including Lauren ’10, MS ’11.
Michael H. Devlin II ’88 is the managing director of Curragh Capital Advisors, a private investment firm in New York City. An active member of the University’s New York Campaign Leadership and Wall Street councils, Devlin established the Katharine B. and Robert M. Devlin Student-Athlete for Education Leadership Development Program at Boston College along with his brother, Matthew ’90. He also serves on the boards of Forethought Financial Group and Irish Central.
Patrick Carney ’70, who has nearly 40 years of real estate investment and development experience, is chairman and CEO of Claremont Companies, a privately owned and closely held real estate investment, development and asset management firm he started in 1968. A director in the Massachusetts Technology Park Corp., he has also served as chair of the Trustee Committee on Development, and he and his wife, Lillian, established the Frederick J. Adelmann, SJ, Chair in the University’s Philosophy Department. The Carneys are the parents of Patrick Jr., Kathleen, Colleen, Michael and Edward.
Mario J. Gabelli is chairman and chief executive officer of GAMCO Investors, an institutional broker-dealer firm he founded in 1977. A frequent commentator on CNBC and CNN, Gabelli is regularly featured in articles in Institutional Investor, BusinessWeek, Fortune, Forbes and Money magazines. A summa cum laude graduate of Fordham University, he holds an MBA from Columbia University, and serves as an overseer at Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and on the boards of Roger Williams University and the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States. He is married to Regina M. Pitaro and is the father of four children and two stepchildren.