
By Office of News & Public Affairs |

Published: Mar. 1, 2012

As part of the ongoing “Got Green?” campaign organized by the Office of News & Public Affairs to raise awareness of the need to save energy across campus, the Office of Engineering and Energy offers a few quick and easy ways faculty, staff and students can help to conserve over the upcoming spring break. Before leaving campus:

    • Turn off items that consume electricity, such as lights and individual coffee makers.
    • Unplug chargers and other electronic equipment.
    • Shut down computers.
    • Review requirements and assignments for turning off office equipment such as printers and copiers.
    • Where possible, close blinds and curtains in offices and classrooms.
    • Close windows.
    • If a refrigerator is empty, raise the setting to a warmer temperature.
    • In offices with thermostats, lower the setting to 55 degrees.