The editor-in-chief and news editor of The Heights, the independent student newspaper of Boston College, were honored with a prestigious Christopher J. Georges Award for Excellence in Student Journalism at the recent Neiman Foundation for Journalism annual ceremony at Harvard University. Former Heights reporter and editor Daniel Tonkovich ’13 was also a recipient.
Taylour Kumpf, a junior English major from Columbus, Neb., and David Cote, a sophomore chemistry and theology major from Burlington, Conn., were selected from among several dozen top college and university newspapers for their news coverage of the Belfast Project, an oral history project on the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
The BC pair finished second behind Princeton University for the award, considered one of the most coveted in collegiate journalism. The Heights and the Daily Princetonian were the only newspapers recognized this year.
“It was a great honor for us to receive this award,” said Kumpf. “I am pleased to have our work rewarded, and to have an opportunity to meet the Georges family, whose son was the namesake for this honor.”
Added Cote, “We are honored to receive recognition from an organization as prestigious as the Nieman Foundation. We at The Heights work extremely hard on the newspaper, and it’s very much appreciated to have our efforts rewarded by earning this type of award.”
In addition to the 50 hours per week that both students dedicate to The Heights, Kumpf finds time to volunteer as an admissions tour guide for prospective students, while Cote volunteers for Eagle EMS and serves as a researcher in the organic chemistry lab of Chemistry Assistant Professor Jeffery Byers. Kumpf is considering a career in journalism and publishing; Cote hopes to attend medical school.