After more than three months of being inundated by snow, ice, winds and rain, last week Boston College Facilities Services employees were showered with praise.
“I am very appreciative of the work that you did to keep Boston College operating in the midst of a very tough winter,” University President William P. Leahy, SJ, told a team of workers who were honored last Thursday for their herculean efforts in battling this past winter’s record-setting snow fall.
From Dec. 21 through April 1, BC’s foul-weather crews took on 14 storms that together dumped almost eight feet of snow on the University’s three campuses.
“When I would go from St. Mary’s Hall over to Botolph House, there would be a path that had already been cleared,” Fr. Leahy told the grounds crews and custodial employees who cleaned up after the frequent storms.
“You worked in the nights, and when I came in the morning, everything was in great shape.
“We could not have functioned this winter without all of you. We have this occasion to say ‘thank you’ and how much we appreciatethe long hours and effort that you put forth.”
Vice President of Facilities Daniel Bourque echoed Fr. Leahy’s thanks. “Across the whole University, people have recognized your effort,” he told the 100 workers who attended the afternoon reception and buffet.
“Whether it was the Higgins stairs, cleaning out around the [AlumniStadium] ‘Bubble’, cleaning Linden Lane or the stairs at Hillside, it was a massive effort.”
Associate Director of Facilities Services Gina Bellavia, who headsup the unit’s grounds division, said Thursday’s reception came about as “Fr. Leahy, Dan Bourque and [Executive Vice President] Pat Keating recognized that this was a tough winter. When we have a snowstorm, it makes for a tough week. We had two weeks this year when we had three snowstorms in that single week. Everything was compounded.
“The guys went above and beyond. They had to,” she said. “They always respond, but this year was especially tiring for everyone. To think about these poor guys doing it over and over and over again, it’s one we will remember for a long time. We wanted to show them that we recognize how difficult it was.”
In addition to food and drink at the reception, all workers were presented with a special Boston College t-shirt depicting an Eagle pushing a snow shovel.
To see a video of the event, click here.