There’s one part of Society of Jesus founder Ignatius Loyola’s famous exhortation to “set the world aflame” that is of particular concern to the University Council on International Education and Research — “the world.”
Comprised of Boston College faculty members with considerable international experience and interests, the council was formed two years ago to advise the provost on academic-related initiatives and opportunities abroad. But UCIER’s other, equally important function is to coordinate BC’s activities in the international realm and — with the aid of its BC Global website — to make sure the University community knows about them, says council chair Vice Provost for Faculties Patricia DeLeeuw.
“Basically, we want to spread the good news,” said DeLeeuw. “BC has made amazing strides in international education and research over just the last decade. There is more activity than ever before, and the council’s mission is to not only keep track of it, but to share the information with the rest of BC.”
The establishment of the council is a key facet of BC’s goal to become a significant intellectual and cultural crossroads through utilizing international resources and partnerships, as outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan. UCIER is modeled after the Council on Teaching and the University Research Council, two other committees that serve in an advisory capacity to the provost.
“What this does,” noted DeLeeuw, “is to elevate BC’s international activity to the level of teaching and research as a major administrative and faculty focus.”
Another indication of the University’s increased emphasis on international education and research, she said, is the placement of the BC Global website among the “Academics” links on the BC home page. “It sends a signal that our global activity is as important as anything going on in our schools and academic departments.”
Joining DeLeeuw on the council are Office of International Programs Director Bernd Widdig, Connell School of Nursing Dean Susan Gennaro, Monan Professor of Higher Education Philip Altbach, University Professor of Human Rights and International Justice David Hollenbach, SJ, Prof. Krzysztof Kempa (Physics), Assoc. Prof. Jun Qian (CSOM), Prof. David Wirth (Law), Assoc. Prof. Ourida Mostefai (Romance Languages) and Asst. Prof. Margaret Lombe (GSSW) — all appointed, DeLeeuw said, by virtue of outstanding scholarly work with a global perspective.
The council’s immediate plans involve participation from the BC community, DeLeeuw said. “We want people to look at BC Global and tell us what we’re missing. We did an audit, but it’s entirely possible we overlooked some programs and activities, and we want to make sure these are included.”
This information will be used to compile an interactive world map that shows the extent, and some details, of BC’s international and education research activities, she added.
In time, said DeLeeuw, the council will seek to talk with directors of the University’s various academic programs and resources, “as a way to ensure the global perspective stays within all our academic offerings.”