James Chon Ieng Law, an exchange student from the Honours College at University of Macau, China, said he was startled the first time he witnessed a student at Boston College challenge a statement made by a professor.
“I was shocked. In our culture, it is considered very disrespectful to do such a thing,” said Law. “I was shocked even more when the professor answered and the class became more of a debate. It’s been one of the big differences, and is one of the reasons I have enjoyed the teachers in America.”
Law and seven other Macau students have made up the first class in a Boston College-University of Macau Honors Exchange Program.
The program will take place each spring semester, with 10 Macau students expected next year. As the program grows, administrators say, students from BC will study at Macau.
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Professor of Political Science Donald Hafner said the new program allows honors students both in China and at BC to engage in a meaningful cross-cultural exchange.
“Forty percent of our students study abroad. It is useful for students headed out into the world to have exposure to international students in classroom settings. When they return, seeing international peers here studying alongside them is a reminder that we live in a larger, global community,” said Hafner.
“Having the Macau Honours College students here broadly benefits the fullness of what it means experience a BC education,” Hafner said.
The University of Macau was established in 1981 as the University of East Asia, just outside of Hong Kong. It is currently the largest university in Macau, with 7,000 students and 400 teaching staff members. Hafner said the partnership began when the Dean of Macau Honours College, Professor K. M. Mok, contacted Boston College looking to form a relationship with an institution boasting a strong liberal arts program.
The Macau students arrived in January and studied alongside BC honors students in a variety of courses.
Law, who took courses at the Carroll School of Management, said he especially enjoyed his organizational behavior class. Outside the classroom, he explored Boston, New York City and Disneyland, and plans on traveling to Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco before returning home this summer.
“I learned about different cultures and learned how to build relationships and make friends. Even though we come from very different educational systems, I was able to make relationships here and look forward to seeing them again when they travel to Macau,” said Law.