Boston College’s commitment to global engagement lies at the core of its educational mission. The Jesuit, Catholic liberal arts tradition, fostered through the links between Jesuit scholars across the world since the sixteenth century, is in its essence international.

Our path for the future is expressed in the university’s Strategic Plan: “Boston College commits itself to increasing its presence and impact through increased outreach to international students, recruitment of faculty with international backgrounds, and the development of programs that promote global cooperation.”

After twelve months of systematic work, the Boston College Global Engagement Committee— consisting of faculty, students, and administrators—completed the BC Global Report (below), which recommends a set of strategies and initiatives to increase the university's presence and impact in the global arena. 

Upcoming Events

Graduate seminar: How Can the Humanities Save the Planet?
The one-week seminar is a series of morning lectures exploring the potential and important role that scientists and social scientists have under the ever-increasing likelihood of global climate change and resulting political instabilities. The program is a Venice International University (VIU) Global Challenges Initiative. Students of VIU’s member universities including Boston College will pay no participation fees and are eligible to receive grants to support, partially or fully, the costs of international travel and accommodation. Program and registration details provided here.

June 10 – 14, 2019
Venice International University, Isola di San Servolo, Venice


Spotlights from Colleges, Schools, and Centers

International Engagement


international faculty and research scholars



enrolled international students


of undergraduate students study abroad


students participated in an international service trip