As the name suggests, this research project explores the depiction of animals in biblical texts. Research produced has been published by New City Press in the What Does the Bible Say? book series.
This book is a concise overview of animals in the Old and New Testaments that appeals to a broad audience of non-specialists and specialists alike.
The project examines the diverse ways that animals appear in the Bible, such as blessed creatures, symbols, agricultural laborers, food, and sacrifices. The project also considers questions of animal afterlife and human obligations to care for creation.
Each chapter begins with a modern-day issue, reflection, or event and uses it as inspiration to look back at the Bible and consider how biblical texts might enrich our understanding of animals today.
The book is organized around seven concepts and questions: Care and Blessing of Animals, Do Animals Go to Heaven?, Should We All Be Vegan?, Animals in the Sacrificial System, Separating Sheep from Goats, Walking into the Lion's Den, and Do Animals Have Rights?
The work offers a survey of Old and New Testament texts using animals as an overarching theme for exploration. It highlights passages that are helpful for thinking about a variety of questions and concerns related to animals.
<p>The project examines the diverse ways that animals appear in the Bible, such as blessed creatures, symbols, agricultural laborers, food, and sacrifices. The project also considers questions of animal afterlife and human obligations to care for creation. The work contributes to ongoing contemporary conversations about ecology and human responsibilities. <br /> </p>
New City Press, 2022