Professor of the Practice of Theology
Faculty Director of Spirituality Studies
Simboli Hall 216
Telephone: 617-552-8444
Email: colleen.griffith@bc.edu
Theological Anthropology, Theologies of the Body, Historical and Contemporary Christian Spirituality, Spirituality and Justice, Foundations and Methodology in Practical Theology, Theologies of Discipleship, Women's Constructive Theology, Theology and the Arts
Dr. Colleen M. Griffith is Professor of the Practice of Theology at Boston College’s Clough School of Theology and Ministry where she serves as Faculty Director of Spirituality Studies and Coordinator of the Practical/Pastoral Area. She holds her doctorate in Theology from Harvard Divinity School, where she worked under the direction of historical theologian Margaret Miles. Dr. Griffith’s research and writing interests include historical and contemporary spirituality, Christian theologies of the body, method in practical theology, and exploration of the relationship between doctrine and spiritual practice. In addition to her full time teaching during the academic year, she directs the Summer Post Master’s Program in Spiritual Formation offered at the SCTM.
Dr. Griffith’s publication Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women's Strategies for Reform, published by Crossroad (2017, 2009), received a first place book award by the Catholic Press Association in June of 2010. Author of numerous articles, chapters, and encyclopedia entries, Dr. Griffith’s most recent project has been the book Formative Theological Education, co-edited with Dr. Hosffman Ospino.
Formative Theological Education, co-editor, (Paulist Press, 2023)
"Practice as Embodied Knowing: Epistemological and Theological Considerations," Invitation to Practical Theology, ed. Claire Wolfteich. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2014.
"Underhill's Practical Mysticicm: One Hundred Years Later," New Theology Review, vol. 27, no. 1 (2014).
"Elizabeth Ann Seton: An Example of Holy Dexterity," All Holy Men and Women, ed. Thomas A. Kane. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2014.
"Spirituality and the Body," Reading in Moral Theology No. 17,: Ethics and Spirituality, eds. Charles Curran and Lisa Fullam. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2014.
"Christian Hope: A Grace and a Choice," Hope: Promise, Possibility and Fufillment, eds. Richard Lennan and Nancy Pineda-Madrid. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2013.
Catholic Spiritual Practices: A Treasury of Old and New, eds. Colleen M. Griffith and Thomas Groome. Brewster" Paraclete Press, 2012, 2014.
"Dialogue: The Pearl of Price," Women, Wisdom and Witness: Engaging Contexts in Conversation, eds. Rosemary Carbine and Kathleen Dolphin. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012.
Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women's Strategies for Reform, ed. Colleen M. Griffith, New York: Crossroads Publishers, 2009. Awarded first place in the gender category by the Catholic Press Association, 2010.