iLab Information
BC is currently in the process of implementing the Agilent iLab Core Facility Management system. This will have numerous benefits for making core facility research activities more consistent, tractable, and secure. iLab can be used for training requests, instrument reservations, services, and reporting functions.
Each of the BC core facilities and recharge centers will begin to employ iLab moving forward, and this will be rolled out in waves. Faculty will be designated as PIs in iLab and members of their labs can then be identified and registered. As iLab functionality is brought to each core facility the faculty users of that core will be informed via email by the facility head, and they will be pre-registered automatically as lab heads in iLab. These emails will provide instructions for logging into iLab, adding lab members, as well as information for how that core will be implementing iLab moving forward. Furthermore, the iLab team has created a series of instructional videos (see links below), and we can arrange training sessions for researchers who will be using iLab.
iLab is cloud based and can be accessed through any web-enabled device. Nothing has to be downloaded. Additionally, iLab will employ BC credentials, so there is no need to create (and remember) a new username and password. Each researcher who needs to access a core facility will be able to become an approved user for the specific instruments and services required. Individual core heads will have administrative control over user access, however once an individual has an iLab account profile this can be used across all cores for which they have approved access, even at other institutions that run iLab (e.g. Harvard and MIT).