School Notes

Date posted:   Mar 28, 2019

Dave Webb at the High Altitude Observatory

Photo of Dave Webb at HAO

ISR’s David Webb recently visited the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) in Boulder, CO for a group meeting on his NSF project in Solar Physics.  With the $400K grant from NSF's Directorate for Geophysics, the team is developing the McIntosh Archive, digitizing over 45 years of images of the magnetic field of the Sun, as traced by the He I line at 10380 Angstroms. These data, which will also be made available to other researchers in an on-line archive, enable Webb and his team to investigate the large-scale organization of the solar magnetic field and its evolution through four complete solar cycles. Pictured are (from left to right) I. Hewins (HAO, ISR), B. Emery (HAO, ISR), S. Gibson (HAO), and D. Webb (BC); not shown: R. McFadden (HAO, ISR) and T. Kuchar (BC).