School Notes
Date posted: Sep 07, 2021
BC's ISR had a strong presence at the just completed XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). The hybrid conference was hosted at the Sapienza Faculty of Engineering in Rome, Italy, with options for both in-person and virtual participation with on-line access to the sessions and events.
BC/ISR scientists Charles Carrano, Patricia Doherty, Keith Groves, William McNeil, Rezy Pradipta, and Charles Rino presented results in both modes, leading & co-authoring several talks on topics including ionospheric irregularities and scintillation, modeling efforts, and effects on satellite navigation systems. Pat Doherty and Chuck Rino were able to chair numerous scientific sessions while in Rome. Teddy Surco Espejo, who will be joining the ISR soon, presented his work virtually as well. We also congratulate Pat for her election as one of URSIâ s new Vice Presidents!