Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will present a talk, “The Politics and Policies of Inclusion,” on April 2 at 11 a.m. in Robsham Theater.
Patrick’s talk, which is free and open to the Boston College community, is sponsored by the Graduate School of Social Work.
The former assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Clinton administration, Patrick was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2006, winning reelection in 2010. Among other areas, Patrick has pursued initiatives in clean energy, affordable health care and public education, and reforms in pension systems, ethics laws and transportation bureaucracy.
“The Graduate School of Social Work is very honored to have Gov. Patrick as a keynote speaker in conjunction with the Mary Mason Breakfast,” said Westy Egmont, director of GSSW’s Immigrant Integration Lab, which invited Patrick to speak. “GSSW has more than 425 students engaged in social work and social policy across the commonwealth and thousands of alumni who serve at every level of human service organizations and state government.”
Egmont, who co-chairs the Governor's Advisory Council on Immigrants and Refugees, said Patrick’s talk will address “the challenges of sustaining an open, inclusive and empowering administration, a commitment of his and one that has led to record diversity in appointments.
“Working with the advisory council, I am witness to an extraordinary commitment to inclusion, requiring plans of action by all cabinet members and thus all state departments, to be sure access is offered and barriers are eliminated."
For more information, email swfield@bc.edu, call ext.2-4027 or see www.bc.edu/socialwork.